As an astrologer I am always looking for coincidences and interesting links, and the release of a huge solar flare the day that Mars turned retrograde is one of those interesting connections.  Mars represents fire, enthusiasm, drive, it’s an aggressive force.  A solar flare comes from the Sun, but it is fiery in nature and…

The Sun and the Moon will unite in Aquarius at 2:39 am on January 23rd (Eastern) or 7:39 am GMT.  We call this the New Moon but it is technically the “dark” of the Moon – not even a sliver of the lunar light is reflected by the Sun. The New Moon marks the beginning…

SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act currently under discussion in the US House of Representatives.  At first glance, stopping online piracy sounds like a good idea.  I know that I myself have found plenty of my articles circulating on the Net under someone else’s byline.  But when you dig a little deeper into the…

My friend Beth Owls Daughter writes that 2012 is the Year of the Hierophant according to the Tarot numerology system. The Hierophant in the Tarot is traditionally associated with the Pope as a symbol for religious structures and dogma. The word Hierophant comes from the ancient Greek that means ta hiera,“the holy,” and phainein, “to show.”  In ancient Greece…

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