Astrological Musings

Tropical astrology is based upon the turning of the wheel of the seasons, with Aries at the Spring equinox and the rest of the cardinal signs marking the beginning of the other equinoxes and solstices.  But what happens in the southern hemisphere where the seasons are reversed?  When the first day of Aries marks the…

I had been meaning to write about Uranus turning retrograde and then I read Beth Owl’s Daughter’s blog post from a couple of days ago: I have been somewhat surprised to find that I am on becalmed waters. Not because of a lack of things to do. On the contrary, I should be busy gearing…

Any time the public is swept into hysteria over a sensationalized media frenzy I tend to back away from it unless I want to use it as a magnet to attract traffic to the blog.  I believe that this kind of obsessive attention to other people’s business serves as a distraction from the important matters…

Any person, place or event with a date of origination has an astrological chart. Humans have birthdates, companies have incorporation dates, and countries have their own dates of origination (we call this “mundane” astrology). Mundane charts are not always easy to define since we must accurately pinpoint the exact time at which the current incarnation…

“For me, spirituality is ecstatic experiences with the divine within nature and all that is beyond. For me, the divine is what gives the universe life and it is therefore eternal, yet it penetrates our world even to the extent of creating the time-acceleration cycles characterized by the World Tree.” –Barbara Hand Clow

I’ve posted the Planetary Illuminations for July, and you canread the entire article here.  You can also read the abridged English translation here, and if you would like Skywatch delivered each month in your email box just sign up on my website. Meanwhile, the last of the eclipse series occurs July 1st so here’s the information…

Fires are burning in North Carolina, New Mexico and Arizona, floods are raging in North Dakota and the Phillipines.  Earlier this spring  record numbers of tornadoes ripped through areas of the country not known for them. Earlier this spring we had a heavy preponderance of fire which is no longer the case, but we do…

I always feel a certain amount of glee when conventional science is turned on its head.  After all, conventional science pooh-poohs not only astrology, but also psychology and any other field of study which cannot be rigorously tested and duplicated without fail. So naturally I love this: Space is festooned with vast “hyperclusters” of galaxies,…

One of the passages in the Bible that is most interesting to me is the fact that during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as Lot’s wife was fleeing the city she looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.  There are many aspects of this story that can be debated, such as…

I generally reserve my posts on the faster moving cycles for my Facebook and Twitter pages, but we have a few things going on right now that are worth mentioning here. First, the Sun is moving into a potentially challenging alignment with Uranus and Pluto that will last until the solar eclipse on July 1st.…

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