Astrological Musings

A retrograde lesson We are most familiar with Mercury turning retrograde and the snafus that ensue, but all of the planets turn retrograde at one point or another.  When the planets in the sky are observed from Earth, they sometimes appear to move backwards because not all of the planets are moving at the same…

A friend of mine died on Friday.  I had known him casually for many years and worked closely with him for about five.  His death at the age of 65 came less than a month after a diagnosis of a return of melanoma shocks and saddens all in our community in which he was well-loved…

Thanks to the great Allspirit site for this poem by David Whyte. Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone. As if life were a progressive and cunning crime with no witness to the tiny hidden transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely, even…

sorry for the inconvenience! There was some bad code but it’s been repaired. Here’s the link to the June Skywatch.

I seem to be surrounded with death this week – one good friend is dying, another good friend’s dog has died, and now the Doctor of Death himself has died at the age of 83. Jack Kevorkian, a physician, began writing articles about euthanasia in the early 1980s and began a career of “death counseling”…

Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus on June 4th, leaving the sign of Aries where he has inspired revolutionary behavior across the Middle East and moving into a more grounded place of stability, where our ideas and inspiration that took hold under the Aries influence begin to take root and flower. The astrological Jupiter…

I am having technical issues and for some reason right now Skywatch is only visible for me in Firefox, I can’t see it in Chrome or Internet Explorer.  If you can see it you’ll find it here. In any case, here’s the introduction which includes the description of tonight’s New Moon: The month of June…

For some time now I have wanted to do an analysis of the outer planet cycles to see how they affect global periods of transformation so I was glad to see this article by Dharmaruci in which he discusses the fact that the current cycle of Uranus in Aries in a square to Pluto in…

Artwork by Jerrod Maruyama. I’m not embarrassed to say that over the last 20 years I have derived some of my greatest inspiration from Oprah, and have learned a great deal from the guests on her show.  It would be impossible to overstate the effect that this one woman has had on millions of people…

So says Graham Hancock, author of many popular books on the search for ancient civilizations, most of which reside in my own bookshelves. Hancock writes: We are told that the “war on drugs” is being waged, on our behalf, by our governments and their armed bureaucracies and police forces, to save us from ourselves. “Potential…

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