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Astrological Musings
Astrological Musings
Obama’s Birthtime – settled by Astrodatabank
Lynn Hayes
Astrodatabank has confirmed that the 1:06 pm birthtime for Obama that is floated around is a myth. Date and place from media sources including Obama’s IL General Assembly webpage. Various times of birth have been circulated or posted. A time of 1:06 PM was provided by Fran McEvoy who told PT she couldn’t remember who…
New Moon tomorrow! and a look ahead
Lynn Hayes
We are still in the middle of the Aquarius stellium, with Chiron conjunct Mercury which is exacerbating the tendency of Mars in Cancer for hurt feelings. Fortunately, a conjunction of sweet Venus and romantic Neptune will soften the edges of any conflicts that come up, providing creative ways to move through difficulties and release old…
The astrological use of mythology
Lynn Hayes
I continue to be blown away by the new crop of astrologers who have grown up in the craft with so many tools at their disposal and made good use of them. Chris Brennan, a recent graduate of Kepler College, is one of these and he has a new article up on his site questioning…
Mars/Pluto and nasty campaigning
Lynn Hayes
Democratic primary goes even more negative as Mars opposes Pluto.
Republicans for Hillary
Lynn Hayes
As a culture-watcher I found it fascinating that in Ohio Republicans were voting for Hillary Clinton in order to shore up a big win for John McCain in November. “I voted for Hillary,” said Republican Eric Klieber, 56, of Cleveland Heights. “John McCain has a better chance of beating her than Barack Obama. . .…
Astrology and MI5
Lynn Hayes
Secret papers just released tell the story of Louis deWohl, an astrologer and flamboyant character who was hired by the British secret service to cast horoscopes for Hitler and other Nazi leaders under the auspices of the “Psychological Research Bureau.” John and Susan Townley were ahead of the curve on this one, posting this article…
Mars back into Cancer tomorrow
Lynn Hayes
Mars, which had retrograded back into Gemini where warfare tends to be more verbal than physical, moves back into Cancer tomorrow. Mars has been in Cancer, where it is typically more hypersensitive and touchy, on and off since last November. Mars will make the final opposition to Pluto on March 6 and then move on…
Nerd Signs – the Y2K Compliant Horoscope
Lynn Hayes
Thanks as always to Elsa’s Top Ten for providing a link to this wonderful article: zodiac version 2.0 Thousands of years ago, people in primitive cultures looked upwards and imagined patterns and signs in the stars that bespeckled the night sky, much the same way that stock traders and market analysts do with economic data…
Obama’s announcement chart
Lynn Hayes
To me, the jury is still out on the void moon (the moon is said to be void after it makes the last aspect to another planet before entering the next sign), but today I received an email from a reader quoting a newsgroup post that said “Please help me with the astrology of Obama’s…
Blogger’s Meme
Lynn Hayes
Beth Owl’s Daughter has tagged me with a meme, which is always an interesting diversion, so here goes: 1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).2. Open the book to page 123.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the next three sentences.5. Tag five people. The nearest book to me is Astrology, Psychology…
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