Astrological Musings

Yesterday I did a quickie reading for a new client who has lyme disease. Many of you know that I have an interest in the astrology of health and healing. My interest is not so much the traditional study of medical astrology, although that plays an interesting role, but I am fascinated by the way…

Image from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, 2003. Solar and lunar eclipses occur when the Moon is either full (opposite the Sun) or “new” (conjunct the Sun), and one of the lunar nodes is located within 15 degrees of a conjunction to the Moon. As you’ve probably heard me say before, the astrological impact…

The mass delusion that occurred this weekend when preacher Harold Camping predicted the Rapture would occur to presage the end of the world smacks of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces.  The word “rapture” is defined as “an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion; a state or experience of being carried away by…

WARNING:  tongue-in-cheek sarcasm ahead! As you may know, the Rapture is scheduled for 6 pm tonight with a bang and a big earthquake, according to Harold Camping, leader of Family Radio Worldwide. “Because the year 2011 AD is exactly 7,000 years after 4990 BC when the flood began, the Bible has given us absolute proof…

The Shriver/Schwarzenegger breakup isn’t the only scandal to hit the newswire just as the Scorpio Moon reached its fullness. IMF Fund Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested on Saturday, May 14th for sexual assault on a hotel maid, although the major news outlets didn’t pick up the story until Monday the 16th, just as the Scorpio…

As the world now knows, Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a long-time domestic worker in the Shriver-Schwarzenegger household. In my post the other day on the breakup between Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger I wrote: Shriver’s progressed Midheaven is preparing to move into Aries – the beginning of a new 30-year cycle that will…

The Moon is full in Scorpio on May 17th at 7:09 am EDT, 11:09 am GMT, meaning that the Scorpio Moon will be exactly opposite the Sun in Taurus at that time.  The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle: the point at which the Moon reaches its fullness and prepares for the…

Thanks to Beth Owls Daughter for this link about the phenomenon of “imaginal cells” in the metamorphosis of the butterfly: After a caterpillar buries itself inside its cocoon, it waits to morph into a butterfly.  The caterpillar does not simply shrink a bit and sprout wings.  Instead, it sort of disintegrates into a puddle of…

Each sign reacts to and improves on the sign that immediately precedes it, so when a planet like Mars moves from its own sign of Aries, which is courageous and vibrant but can also be impetuous and thoughtless, there is a shift into the more grounded stability of the Taurus influence.  Robert Wilkinson points this…

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know that I believe that humans are mutating as we move through the portal into the Aquarian Age, and I suspect that the flood of autistic children that are incarnating now are part of that mutation.  (Here’s a link to other articles along these lines.)…

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