Astrological Musings

I suspect that more people were surprised when Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver married than when they announced their split this week after 25 years of marriage. When clients come for an astrological reading about their relationship, they generally want to hear that their relationship is compatible.  But astrologers know that compatibility does not always…

Mercury and Venus have been moving towards an exact conjunction over the past week, but today they align exactly.  On Wednesday May 11th the two will hook up with Jupiter as well, creating a triple conjunction of powerful magnitude. Mercury represents communication and the transmission of information, but it also governs change and the fluidity…

No wonder mothers have their own day – one could argue that they are the single biggest influence on our lives. A father can be absent at a birth, but never the mother! We spend nine months in the womb of our mothers, wrapped in her energy imprint and (some say) absorbing her experiences. She…

Although March 10 1957 is commonly given as the date of birth for Osama bin Laden, This has not been certain enough for astrologers to rely on. While several sources, including an interview with bin Laden himself, have used the date of March 10, 1957 the US State Department records for some reason used July…

Tune in later for a post about the death of Osama bin Laden, but for now Skywatch for May has been posted just in time for the Taurus New Moon. You can read the whole article here, or if you’re not on my mailing list you can see what you’re missing here and read the…

Today is the first of May, widely celebrated by neo-pagans as Beltane, the fire festival which honors Bel, the god of fire.  Because Beltane is a “cross-quarter” festival, meaning it occurs at the halfway point between the equinox and solstice, it will not actually occur until May 5th when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus.…

I confess I’m not that interested in the Royal Wedding that occurs today. I wasn’t that interested in Charles and Diana’s wedding either, even though that wedding had much more of the pomp and circumstance that we associate with royalty than the more modern wedding of William and Kate. But then I read my friend…

Astrologers are always hunting for birth information, so we were the first ones on the trail of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.  Not that we believed he might be from Kenya, but we wanted to be able to construct an accurate birthchart. You can read the thread of my articles on the subject here along with…

Some people, like my Aries friends, thrive on a heavy does of fire like the one we’re getting lately. They get energized and don’t mind the sleepless nights as they stay out late dancing the night away. Others of us are a little more disturbed by the force of what we may perceive to be…

As I wrote a few weeks ago, we are in the middle of the second phase of the Saturn Return in the US chart.  The Saturn return occurs every 28-30 years in a chart – whether of an individual, a marriage, or a nation – and requires that we learn the hard lessons of life…

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