Astrological Musings

Today the Sun is in a harmonious sextile to Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing.  Chiron in the natal chart shows where each of us have been wounded, and where the key to our reclaiming the soul lie. When the Sun shines its brilliant light of self-realization into the wounds of the soul we…

Every page is a new beginning. Venus conjoins Uranus today, and since both are in Aries it’s gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight, if you heed the siren song of Venus, the planet of love and connection, hooking up with the iconoclast and rebellious Uranus.  And with both in Aries, the…

Easter Week continues at Astrological Musings! Here is an interesting video detailing the pagan sources of the roots of the Christian Easter celebration. This will be a controversial video for Christians, so please proceed at your own risk. There is a factual inaccuracy in the video in that its author, Acharya S, states that Easter…

<a href=””><img title=”Inanna” src=”” alt=”inanna descent into underworld” width=”179″ height=”230″ /></a>Most of the so-called Christian holidays have deep roots in astrotheology, and Easter is no different.  The very dating of Easter, the great holiday of resurrection, is based on the timing of the first Full Moon after the vernal equinox. This week I’ll be posting…

? Nicolas Cage was arrested today for assaulting his wife during an argument over which house was their New Orleans rental house. Mr. Cage is no stranger to tabloid news, having recently lost homes both in New Orleans and Bel Air to foreclosure, was directly affected by the Libra Full Moon which peaks tomorrow and…

The time of the Full Moon, when the Sun in the sky is exactly opposite the Moon from our vantage point on earth, is always a time for balance.  The Sun is our conscious Self – our goals, our visions, our ideas that combine to create our lives.  The Moon illustrates our instincts and our…

Mercury retrograde spray? Really? Maybe I’m just a skeptic, but I don’t think aromatherapy will “cure” Mercury retrograde. Mercury’s job when retrograde is to perfect our plans and communications by inspiring us to think in a different way. Avoiding this necessary step of re-grouping and re-vising will not help us in the long run. So…

by Lynn Hayes Early in my career as an astrologer, each day I carefully studied all of the bumps that the planets and luminaries (Sun and Moon) would make to my chart. After a lifetime of emotional disarray, it gave me tremendous comfort to see how when the Moon made a 90 degree angle to…

I didn’t want to write about Charlie Sheen in the middle of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan when Uranus entered Aries, or when Neptune entered Pisces, equally big news from an astrological perspective, or when Pluto turned retrograde this weekend. But now that things are settling down a little astrologically I think it’s time…

Over the next few days Mars in Aries will be aligning in a challenging square formation to Pluto. As I wrote yesterday, Pluto is particularly powerful right now since its motion has stalled as it changes direction to travel retrograde for the next six months.  Mars fuels our desires and the expression of our needs…

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