Astrological Musings

This painting came from an image of a woman walking down a forest path. As she enters deeper into the forest she feels herself becoming more a part of all the life around her. Her skin takes on the colors of the rocks, trees and plants, while her clothing begins to feel like fairy wings.…

Pluto will conjunct the Galactic Center in July for the second time as Pluto retrogrades in Sagittarius, with the final hit coming in October of this year. This event only occurs once every 248 years and appears to portend a shift in cultural awareness. The Mayans were familiar with the Galactic Center, which they thought…

Phil Brown investigates the connection between the Saturn Neptune opposition and the new “cloaking” device invented by scientists in this article he posted a few days ago: Physics has developed a “cloaking” device composed of copper rings and wires patterned onto fiberglass sheets. This cloaking device can hide objects—and the cloaking materials themselves—by bending light…

I received an email the other day from someone asking for the five most accurate financial astrologers which I found interesting. There are several well-known financial astrologers including Henry Weingarten who runs the “Astrologers Fund,” and Ray Merriman who is well-known in astrological circles as a master of market timing. Still, I was unable to…

photo from Click chart to enlarge and view animation. Venus is still about ten degrees from an exact conjunction with Saturn but the Moon will conjunct Venus today heading towars Saturn and the fixed star Regulus. I have never worked with the fixed stars but suddenly became fascinated with these stellar bodies over the…

I don’t know how I missed Doreen Gordon’s astrology blog Key on Garden Door since she has a link to Astrodynamics, but I just found it via a link from Phil Brown’s Astrofuture blog. Despite the fact that Doreen calls herself a student, she has an interesting take on current events. I particularly like this…

Sleeping in spring oblivious of dawnEverywhere I hear birds.After the wind and rain last nightI wonder how many petals fell? – Meng Hao-jan (689-740) photo by Tony Howell

The new planet Eris has been found to be 27% larger than Pluto, causing some astronomers to joke about Pluto not being able to catch a break. As astrologers know, however, size doesn’t matter – despite it’s tiny size, Pluto packs a powerful wallop. I have done just a little work with Eris in charts…

thanks Elsa! photo from Worth 1000.

Finally: Real astrology on television!! Not just “design by your sign” or “exercise by your sign,” this new television show on Spanish Broadcasting System channel 22 in Miami has real-life astrologer Mauricio Puerta of Venezuela analyzing the charts of three audience members beginning June 14th. Hopefully this idea will catch on and start to bring…

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