Astrological Musings

As we know, astrology is not astronomically correct and planets don’t really move backwards. But occasionally from our perspective the apparent direction of their movement changes, which we call “retrograde.” Most of us are familiar by now with Mercury retrograde periods, which (because Mercury is the messenger planet and deals with all kinds of communication…

Here is Part I in case you missed it yesterday. This time around, Neptune will be in Pisces until August 4 2011 when it will retrograde back into Aquarius until February 3 2012 at which time it will move fully into Pisces and remain there until 2025. The transit of Neptune in Pisces this time…

by Lynn Hayes To do justice to this topic I will serialize this article in two parts.  Thanks to The Mystical Experience on Facebook for this amazing image. Neptune entered Pisces on April 4th, beginning a new 14-year cycle of Neptune traveling through its own sign. By its very nature, Neptune is difficult to talk…

Much of this article is taken from the Planetary Illuminations for April. Aries is self-directed, with a purity and innocence that can elevate us out of the realm of ego and into an experience of pure Self. What is it you need for yourself now? This is the question asked of the Aries New Moon,…

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.” – Albert Einstein

and you can read it here in its entirety. To sign up for my monthly newsletter and receive Skywatch in your inbox, just enter your email address in the convenient box in the sidebar. Or learn more about Skywatch here. Meanwhile, there is a lot going on this week so here is a tidbit to…

Mercury turns retrograde today, taking us into three weeks of reconsideration and re-evaluation with potential communication and equipment glitches.  Mercury is in Aries during this retrograde, and since Aries is the sign of action and initiation it’s not too happy when it has to look backwards and review rather than take direct action. Retrograde periods…

This week the expansive urge of Jupiter bumps up against the contraction of Saturn for the third and final time in the current cycle.  This is the “Full Moon” phase of the cycle, the culmination of a pattern that began in 2000 with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus.  Mundane astrologers, observing the…

Tomorrow I’ll analyze the riots over the weekend in London and how they tie in with the global unrest that is unfolding as Uranus moves closer to a square to Pluto, fulfilling all of the astrological praophecies. But today, I’ve gone to an unconventional source for inspiration, Steve Jobs: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon…

Having sat and chatted around the table with Dharmaruci last summer when I was in England, I know how interesting a conversation with him can be.  Dharmaruci runs an astrology blog called Astrotabletalk that is one of the more interesting ones out there. Now you too can enjoy this fascinating discussion of astrology and magic.  Such as…

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