Astrological Musings

As you may know, the revolutionary fever spreading through the middle east is not isolated to the Arab world.  In Wisconsin, protests against anti-union measures by the governor there have mobilized tens of thousands of government employees and students since February 15th. These protests are just the beginning of what will become a firestorm of…

In Libra, Saturn likes to codify relationships.  Saturn after all is the planet of structure and form, and Libra is the sign of relationships and connections. Saturn turned retrograde a few weeks ago, so it is now appearing to move backwards from our point of view here on Planet Earth, turning our attention back to…

I read an article the other day that mentioned  “ubiquitous computing” which resonates so clearly of the mutual reception between Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius that I had to do a little more research.  We call this “mutual reception” because both Uranus and Neptune are in the signs that is ruled by the…

The Full Moon that occurred early this morning occured at the 29th degree of the sign of Leo.  The 29th degree, sometimes called the “critical” or “anaretic” degree, is associated with the endings of cycles and new beginnings.  The word “anaretic” derives from “anareta,” which in medieval astrology signified the planet of death in the…

As I wrote a few weeks ago, Jupiter re-entering Aries in January set off a firestorm of anger across the middle east and north Africa.  At the time I wrote: I can’t help but think this is a good thing, even though like all difficult planetary cycles it won’t be comfortable and is certain to…

Here’s why I love India: The judgment will be met with relief in India, where engagements are decided, wedding and election dates are chosen on the basis of detailed charts drawn up by revered astrologers. A day deemed “auspicious” by an astrologer can lead to thousands of weddings and traffic gridlock. For years it has…

From A duo of planetary astronomers has grabbed media attention by claiming a planet four times the size of Jupiter may be lurking in the outer solar system. They call the planet Tyche. Many astronomers, however, say it probably isn’t there. The claim by John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Lousiana-Lafayette is not…

Today has the potential to be filled with passion and love with Venus still within range of a conjunction to Pluto.  Venus rules our relationships with others and the way that we connect with each other, and Venus is in the exceedingly practical sign of Capricorn right now.   In Capricorn, Venus has the discipline…

Tem Tarriktar of The Mountain Astrologer posted a chart of the resignation on Facebook yesterday which you can read here with all of the associated comments.  A link to the actual announcement on Egyptian TV was posted which includes a time stamp of 6:02 pm Cairo time so that is the chart that I have used.  Another commenter reports…

One of the things we have to look forward to with the entry of Uranus into Aries is a new surge of radical and revolutionary freedom fighters (Uranus) who seek power for the individual (Aries).  The word “anarchy” is derived from the Greek word “anarchos” which means “without rulers,” and “anarchy” is usually defined as…

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