Astrological Musings

Perhaps it’s just a “coincidence,” but last week as Chiron (the “wounded healer”) entered the sign of Pisces (spirituality and the soul) one of my favorite podcasts, the People’s Pharmacy, broadcast an interview with Dr.  Allan Hamilton called The Scalpel and the Soul.  Dr. Hamilton has written a book called The Scalpel and the Soul: Encounters with…

Art by Willow Arlenea Most of the planets in our solar system travel through the zodiac (from our perspective here on earth) at approximately the same rate of speed, no matter what sign they are traveling through.  The Sun takes about 30 days to go through each sign; Saturn takes approximately 26-28 months to go…

Here is an interesting African studyfrom 1997 that correlated astrological data to schizophrenia.  The findings are particularly interesting in light of the recent shootings in Arizona by Jared Loughner who is now widely believed to be schizophrenic. Some astrological hypotheses related to predisposition to severe mental illness were tested by analysing the zodiacal signs, the…

February is a short but mighty month that brings us a big alignment of six planets in Aquarius (seven if you include Ceres).  You can read the whole article at this link, but here is an introduction to get you started.  I’ll be posting a more complete article on the New Moon tomorrow. If you are…

Universe Today reports that a storm on Saturn has turned into a monster storm, at least ten earths’ wide. Saturn has exhibited storms before, and I wrote about the one in 2006 here, but the current storm is so huge that it is visible with the naked eye.   In my article linked above, I wrote about political…

I was listening to the BBC news coverage of the momentous events in Egypt, and one of the journalists remarked that the protesters in Egypt no longer have any fear of the oppressive government.  His point was that once the inhibitions of fear have been broken there is no turning back, that any attempt to…

Jupiter entered Aries last week for the first time since leaving that fiery sign of war last fall and retreating back into Pisces. You may remember that Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in Aries back in late May and the summer of 2010, coinciding with the rise of revolutionary fervor in Thailand, Krygystan,  Israel.  This…

The other day I wrote about the expansive energy of Jupiter moving into Aries, but we are also dealing with a more contracting influence at the same time: the retrograde turn of Saturn.   (Astrology lesson: Because of the way we view the motion of the planets from earth, they sometimes appear to move backward and…

Jupiter first moved into Aries last spring with the first phase of the  conjunction of Jupiter to Uranus.  This meeting of the two planets of liberation in the sign of initiation was the instigator for the alignments in cardinal planets that I called the Cardinal Drama.  With up to seven planets and luminaries interacting in…

Whether you love Keith Olbermann or hate him, there is no doubt that he was a groundbreaking journalist during the administration of Bush II, reporting on stories that the mainstream media ignored and bringing a fresh new perspective to evening news. You can read my original post on Olbermann here, and my post on his November…

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