Astrological Musings

Cartoon by Doug Savage.  One of the more challenging yet rewarding aspects of my work with clients is taking the leap from “here is why you have had these problems” to “here’s what you can do about it.”  It’s always reassuring to hear that your desire to flee a committed relationship comes from the fact that…

The Full Moon occurs on January 19th at 4:21 pm Eastern at the 29th degree of Cancer. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so the Moon is particularly powerful during the Cancerian Full Moon. Like the Moon, Cancer is emotional and vulnerable – tender and soft and needing to be nurtured. A…

There’s no such thing as bad publicity, and astrology has had LOTS of publicity over the past few days with the big news over the 13th sign and the precessional shift.  Rachel Maddow weighs in and explains the whole thing really well except I’m not so sure her astronomy is correct, especially where she brings…

Stories like this have been circulating in the news media like wildfire over the past few days as astronomers discover something that astrologers have known for nearly 2000 years, that the zodiac that we use in Western astrology does not line up with the current placement of the constellations.  This is due to what is called…

A reader requested that I look at the chart of Bill Zeller, a brilliant programmer who was best known for creating innovative software such as the MyTunes application.  Mr. Zeller committed suicide on January 5th after struggling for a lifetime with memories of repeated sexual abuse as a child. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have…

One of the challenges I run into often with clients who  come to me for Visioncrafting® work is a complex combination of emotions relating to success in our chosen field.  On the conscious level we want to be successful writers, business people, artists.  But lurking in the subconscious are old patterns and belief systems that keep…

Please see my earlier article for preliminary thoughts. I’ve now found an unverified date of birth for the shooter (September 10, 1988, time and place unknown)  from his apparent 2007 criminal record.   Loughner has both the Sun and Moon in Virgo but the notable thing in this chart is the challenging T-square involving Neptune, Mars and Chiron…

The shooting yesterday of Gabrielle Giffords yesterday along with seventeen others, which left six people dead including a child who, in curious synchronicity, was born on September 11th, has had a profound effect on Americans everywhere.  Unlike the other mass killings that we have seen in the past few years, this one was motivated by…

If you follow Spaceweather, you might have noticed that they keep track of something called the Planetary K index.  Yesterday afternoon there was a strong solar wind stream that stimulated a higher level of geomagnetic activity and a K-index reading of 5, stimulating bright auroras like this one from Norway.  The editors at Spaceweather explain: [T]he…

When I started this blog in 2005, celebrity journalism was all the rage.  A good part of my posts were spent analyzing whether or not the latest celebrity relationships would last, or why the bimbo of the month had her latest meltdown.  Celebrity gossip as a media force has been around for a long time,…

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