Astrological Musings

Happy new year everyone! I apologize for being somewhat AWOL over the past few weeks.  I have been making a lot of changes in the physical space and the technology in my office, and combined with the activities of the holidays there has not been much time for writing.  Now that the new year has…

I’ve posted the January Skywatch article on my website, so take a look. If you are not already on my mailing list please sign up on my website and you’ll start receiving my newsletter each month which includes a translation of Skywatch into English which is easy to understand and strips out the technical language. Here’s a tidbit to…

Mercury will soon officially turned direct, meaning it will begin to move forward again through the zodiac.  As with many other astrological phenomena, astrologers disagree about how long the “shadow” period of the retrograde is, and when it is safe to emerge again from the shadows and begin making decisions and taking new steps. In…

Mercury is still retrograde for another few days or so, and there are signs of it everywhere.  Mercury rules transportation as well as communication, and when retrograde there are often snafus and the need to repair our equipment and revise our plans I’m sure my readers have stories of their own to tell: disappearing emails,…

If you liked 2010, you’ll love 2011!  While likely not as personally challenging as the past two years, the astrology of 2011 brings its’ own excitement. To learn more what’s coming up next year, here is a link to an .mp3 of the radio show I did on the subject.  The recording is just of the lecture…

Anyone who has read this blog for more than five minutes will know that I am rather skeptical not only of Christianity but of any organized religion.  Religion is found in astrological symbolism in the planet Jupiter, which seeks to define a belief system which helps to give our life meaning.  When this individual theology…

While I’m thrilled that astrology is spreading like wildfire on the internet, I am less thrilled at the fear that is sometimes generated, both by astrologers and by readers themselves. I’d like to post a portion of an email from a client, perhaps this may be helpful for others. Client: I read on another site…

Bloomberg reports: This was the year the Earth struck back. Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards, landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 — the deadliest year in more than a generation. More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism…

The Full Moon on December 21st is at the last degree of Gemini and it occurs on the same day as the Solstice, a relatively rare event.  There is a fair amount of dispute on the web as to exactly how rare it is: the Spaceweather site originally listed the year 1378 as the last…

In the story of the Wikileaks cables that has dominated the news over the past month or so there are two big players.  The first is Julian Assange, whose mysterious past and controversial present has captivated the curiosity of newshounds everywhere.  The second player in this drama is Private First Class Bradley Manning, who actually…

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