Astrological Musings

Thanks to astrologers Deb Houlding and Martin Davis for posting a link to this article on Facebook. The Bank of Scotland has studied the performance of six different international stock indices over a period of several decades to determine a correlation between stock trading and the Moon.  The interesting thing about this article is that…

I couldn’t help but laugh at the synchronicity of this article in light of Saturn (challenges) in the sign of Libra (love and romance) at the moment: [Bedbugs] have become a sort of anti-Cupid for city singles, in some cases slowing the progress of budding relationships and in others bringing romance to a dead stop.…

Wall Street loves a good Republican victory, and yesterday the financial press said that the market was up in anticipation of the Republicans taking the House.  Today the story was that a market reached a new high after the Federal Reserve decided to buy up $600 billion in Treasury securities. Deborah at Wall Street Weather…

You can find the whole article here.  Meanwhile, here’s a tidbit for the first part of November: During the month of November three planets will change direction to move forward again and we will begin to feel a shift as energy is freed up for more movement.  When there is a high number of retrograde planets…

It was just two years ago when, swept away by the excitement of the Saturn/Uranus opposition we elected the first African-American president who promised hope and change and a new America.  As one who didn’t much care for the Bush years, it was easy to hope and I figured anything would be a positive change.…

Halloween truly is a pagan practice, and most people now recognize that this so-called holiday is actually rooted in the old Celtic festival of Samhain. Although Halloween is commonly celebrated on October 31, the festival of Samhain is a cross-quarter holiday that occurs at the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice on…

Taylor Swift, the beautiful young songstress who has achieved great success at a young age, has been in the news over the past week for her new album.  A recent article in the Times says: FOR pure star-on-star revenge, “Dear John,” from the new Taylor Swift album, “Speak Now,” will be tough to beat. Six and a half…

Beth Owl’s Daughter reminds us that tonight is “Punkie Night,” an ancient celebration from Somerset England which is celebrated by the carving of pumpkin-like mangolds. Beth writes, “Throughout Somerset, locals use the term “spunky” to refer to Will-o-the-Wisps — a ball of light seen at night rising up from a marsh or bog.” In Christianized…

Zecharia Sitchin has died I just discovered that Zecharia Sitchin died on October 9th.  Sitchin was the author of many books translating ancient Sumerian texts which appeared to describe the settlement of Earth by ancient astronauts.  Though ridiculed by many, Sitchin’s work has been extremely influential.  Sitchin, aged 90, would have experienced his “Pluto opposition”…

Every thirty years, Saturn returns to its place in the birthchart and that is no less true for national charts than it is for the charts of individuals.  The “Saturn Return” is a time that requires the celebration of Saturnian characteristics: solitude, hard work, facing up to the hard cold realities of life. Saturn in…

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