Astrological Musings

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday said the United States would be ceded to plutocrats and oligarchs if Republicans win next month’s election, referring to the flood of pro-GOP corporate election spending. Peasants for Plutocracy by Michael Dal Cerro The word “plutocracy” is being heard more and more these days, as in this article quoting Nancy…

Juan Williams is a well-respected journalist who has been a commentator for NPR news since 1999 and on Fox News for the past several years.  Last week Williams was fired by NPR for saying that he was afraid of travelers in Muslim garb, a comment that has generated a great deal of subsequent controversy. In…

The title of this post is misleading.  As my readers know, I do not believe that we can predict the future with astrology.  We can predict stormy weather; we can predict good fortune of some kind.  We cannot predict with any degree of accuracy when specific things will happen, the effort of many astrologers to…

Art by Steven Miller The Full Moon on Friday, October 22nd, is at the very last degree of Aries.  Aries is the sign of initiation and courage; the sign that inspires us to forge ahead despite our fears and anxieties and make things happen.  The 29th degree is a symbol of completion, and the Full…

Libra is ruled by Venus, and Venus is the goddess of love and beauty.  Venus bestows the power of attraction, and this includes physical attractiveness as well as personal magnetism.  With Saturn in Libra, our ideas of beauty and our ability to relate to others are tested, and those of us with Saturn in Libra…

Chiron and Neptune are within twelve minutes of a conjunction now, about as close as they are going to come before finally separating in late November.  Although their conjunction is not exactly at the same degree, the influence of these two planets has been making itself known since early 2009.  Chiron is the healer of…

The conjunction of Jupiter to Uranus is still creating optimism in the markets that defy the news: “U.S. stocks closed higher Monday as investors were encouraged by earnings from Citigroup and a measure of home-builder confidence that topped expectations.” (read more here…) Jupiter is the planet of confidence, and in tandem with Uranus it seeks…

Saturn as we know presides over structures that we create in our world and in our society, such as the institutions of government and marriage, which is a formalized relationship that is sanctioned by the State.  Libra is the sign of relationships between things, ideas, and people.  So when Saturn travels through Libra, the limits…

No scatalogical jokes please!  But check out this post by Astrofix about Mars/Uranus aspects, if only for the image which is a fantastic representation of Uranian energy. Mars represents energy and enthusiasm and desire, as well as the anger and rage that can be stored if that energy and enthusiasm and desire are blocked in some way.…

Yesterday the world watched enraptured as 33 miners in Chile were released from their bondage in the Underworld and emerged relatively unscathed, with amazing stories of bravery and transformation.  One of the more amazing reports that I heard was that the miners were arguing over who should be rescued first, each one wanting their brethren…

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