Astrological Musings

I never knew there was such a thing, but I just discovered that today (October 13th)  is National Face your Fears Day.  This is rather appropriate astrologically because today the Moon is in Capricorn, the sign of pragmatism and doing what it takes to make things happen.  This morning (EDT) the Moon conjoins Pluto, the…

In a rare zing of astrological accuracy, a tanker named Uranus carrying fuel (Pisces) struck a huge (Jupiter) cargo vessel in the English Channel last week, just as Jupiter and Uranus were completing their conjunction!  Read all about it here...

Here is an interesting article on the numerological component of October 10, 2010 and tens in particular: 10 is the number on which we tend to judge perfection. “10 out of 10!” “A perfect 10!” “On a scale of 1 to 10.” But 10 is not the number of perfection. It depicts ‘the very best we…

Art from Vibrakeys I recently received an invitation to an event in Asheville called the Stargate Portal Opening on October 10, 2010.  According to Enoch, as channeled through Dr Raja Merk Dove,  “On this Sacred Day ye call 10-10-10 the Atlantean Crystals, long held in dormancy beneath Mount Pisgah, in North Carolina will be  reactivated as per…

 A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon align in the sky, beginning the next phase of the lunar cycle. There’s a clearing of the slate, and an opportunity to begin anew.  The Libra New Moon on October 7 th includes not only a conjunction of the Sun and Moon but also a conjunction…

The first phase of the Pluto/Ceres conjunction brought us the Horizon oil rig disaster, and now as Ceres prepares to conjoin Pluto for the second time we have a “flood of red sludge” that could equal or exceed the negative effects to the environment of the oil spill: As Hungarian authorities take stock of the…

Two satellites peering at the sun have snapped photos of Mercury’s long, comet-like tail, but it took an amateur astronomer to bring the pictures to light. The twin satellites are part of NASA’s Stereo (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) mission. They zip around the sun in Earth’s orbit, one behind our planet and one ahead of…

The much publicized suicide of Tyler Clementi last week after a roommate posted a streaming web video of him in intimate contact with a male friend was only one of what appears to be an epidemic of suicides by gay teenaged boys.   Asher Brown was 13 when he killed himself after coming out to…

There’s still time to sign up for my newsletter if you’re not already on my mailing list.  The newsletter comes with a translation of the astrological information and predictions into simple English along with other news from me.  Just visit my website and enter your email address! Meanwhile, here is the information for the first…

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the epidemic of UFO sightings under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus as they team up in the sky, and thanks to those readers who let me know about the press conference by the former Air Force officers who are coming out under this influence to tell their stories…

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