Astrological Musings

Many of my readers will recognize the  name Dane Rudhyar as the father of twentieth century”humanistic astrology” that led to the psychological astrology many of us practice today.  Rudhyar was the author of many astrology books and a noted Theosophist, but he was also an acclaimed painter, musician and composer.   Rudhyar’s musical talents are largely forgotten,…

At first I thought something was wrong with Rich, my husband.  Everything he did was bothering me.  He didn’t talk to me enough.  He talked to me too much.  He didn’t pay any attention to what I was doing.  He paid too much attention to what I was doing.  I felt like a raw nerve,…

Venus will turn retrograde on October 9th and is at a virtual standstill now as it prepares to change direction. Don’t believe all of the negative hype you read about Venus turning retrograde; as planets go Venus is generally a beneficial one.  But when retrograde, Venus forces us to look into our past and see…

Wow, is all I can say.  Saturn’s not all cold and darkness, it has a beautiful side.  Perhaps that’s why it’s exalted in Libra! Photo from the Daily Galaxy  more information here…

I’ve been saying (just read through this summer’s posts on this blog) that after the last of the severe cardinal events in July, August and September we would start digging out of the worst of the economic problems, and this appears to be the case.  Today the Dow went up nearly 200 points, marking the…

The Full Moon occurs on September 23rd at 5:17 am Eastern time in the sign of Aries, balancing the Sun which has just entered Libra.  Full Moons occur when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun, and oppositions require that we learn to balance opposite forces.  The Aries/Libra polarity is itself concerned with finding…

The obsession of the United States with money and the amassing of more and more of it can be seen in the fact that Pluto, the planet of compulsive behavior as well as the experiences that create the death of experience and a regeneration into a new life, is in the second house of money.…

sadly I do not know to whom this artwork should be attributed!!   The Autumn Equinox takes place on Wednesday when the Sun enters Libra, followed the next day by the Full Moon in Aries which is often called the Harvest Moon.  Thanks to John and Susan Townley for findingthis interesting article on the subject from the Wall Street…

I quoted from this wonderful article in the Breakthrough show on Sunday’s Musings on Astrology radio talk show.  The article evidently appeared last spring before the cardinal alignments, but it’s beautifully written by astrologer Ver dar Luz of Reality Sandwich: The symbol of volcanic eruption is very important and pertinent to consider in what is beginning to…

Thirteen people missing in California are feared to be under the spell of a fringe religious sect and involved in a mass suicide after notes were found referring to “going to heaven” and “the end of the world.”  read more here… The timing of this event is interesting because of the conjunction of Jupiter (confidence…

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