Astrological Musings

The Musings on Astrology show on Blog Talk Radio happens (nearly) every Sunday at 11 am.  This week’s show celebrates the conjunction of Jupiter to Uranus that culminated yesterday, and the power of these planets to facilitate breakthroughs. Breakthroughs are sometimes ecstatically thrilling, but sometimes they can be frightening if we don’t feel ready or…

As I wrote the other day, Jupiter and Uranus reach the pinnacle of their second conjunction tomorrow, this time in Pisces.  The combination of Jupiter and Uranus can make for some pretty big (Jupiter) surprises (Uranus) that challenge the status quo (Uranus) of what we believe (Jupiter), so I think we can safely file the…

I heard this quote over the weekend at a hammered dulcimer workshop: “Practice doesn’t necessarily make perfect, but it does make permanent.”  Evidently Warren Buffett obtained this piece of wisdom from a golf pro, the point of which is that if you do the same thing over and over again, you will obtain the same…

From an astrological viewpoint, the Tea Party movement in the United States is a product of the opposition between Saturn (the establishment) and Uranus (the rebel) that began in the fall of 2008 with the election of Barack Obama.  The Tea Party movement culminated with this summer’s planetary alignments that I’ve been calling the Cardinal…

Jupiter is approaching a close encounter with the Earth, which will make it appear beautifully bright in the sky.  The night of the closest contact will be September 21st, very close to the Autumn Equinox, but until then it will be gloriously bright.  Jupiter is near its perihelion, where it is closest to the Sun…

Betty White has had one of the longest running careers in show business.  Her career began just after her high school graduation, and she had her first radio show before she was 20.  She was the star of the long-running television program The Golden Girls, and was a supporting actor in many television programs and…

Mercury turns direct today after three weeks in retrograde motion, so after today communication will get a bit easier and we are less subject to all kinds of snafus.  It will take a few days for Mercury to pick up steam after its change of motion, but Mercury is in its own sign of Virgo…

Art by Josephine Wall Jupiter and Uranus are the two planets of liberation, and back in May they converged in the first sign of Aries, the sign of courage, warfare, and action.  The two turned retrograde over the summer, and a few weeks ago Uranus retrograded back into Pisces to complete its mission of revolutionizing (Uranus) the…

A reader on my Facebook page asked a really good question:  “how does [Mercury retrograde] work with a New Moon and we are supposed to start new things??” Mercury retrograde periods are more appropriate for reviewing, re-doing, re-visioning, and renovating than for initiating something new.  This is an assimilation phase.  New Moons are times of new beginnings,…

by Lynn Hayes (art from the Symbolon Tarot) The Virgo New Moon occurs Wednesday morning September 8th at 6:30 am Eastern (10:30 am GMT) on the heels of a beautiful aspect from Venus, the planet of love and beauty, to Chiron and Neptune. This Venus aspect has been opening up channels of love and creativity, assuring…

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