Astrological Musings

I’m doing readings all weekend at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in Raleigh so there will be no radio show today.  Instead, please enjoy this wisdom from Eckart Tolle teaching the transformation of consciousness.

This morning I wrote a long and well-thought out post about the 20-something generation.  Unfortunately, I made a big and stupid error by tagging that generation as the Pluto in Sagittarius generation.  Thankfully, I have brilliant readers who emailed me right away and called this to my attention. Many of you know that in the…

Astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term Supermoon to describe the Full Moon at perigee when it’s closest to the Earth.   Last night’s Full Moon was at apogee and at its furthest from Earth, so the Moon appeared about 15% smaller than usual. The influence of the Moon does appear to be more intense when it is at perigee…

Heidi Montag is a reality TV star who is best known for having had eleven plastic surgeries in one day at the age of 23.  She is a self-confessed plastic surgery addict. Back in January I wrote about Heidi in the context of Saturn (challenges) in Libra (beauty).  Heidi was a beautiful young girl who had her…

Julian Assange is the head of the Wikileaks website, the site that recently participated in the biggest intel leak in history just as the Cardinal planetary drama was unfolding this summer.  (This very blog was featured on the Wikileaks website last year as one of the sites being censored by the Australian government). Assange is a fascinating character that…

I’m pleased to announce a new blogroller – many of you know Dana Gerhardt from her always interesting and entertaining articles in The Mountain Astrologer.  She has a wonderful post about Mercury retrograde that includes this paragraph: [I]f you honor Mercury now, he just might be willing to rescue you. He did that for Odysseus,…

Art by Marcia Snedecor The Full Moon on August 24th is at the first degree of Pisces, the sign of dreams, illusions, and a spiritual connection to the divine within. In a Full Moon, the Moon is  opposite the Sun in the sky from our vantage point, requiring us to bring into balance the polarity…

The Sun has moved into Virgo, shifting the energy from the creative fire of Leo to the grounded and practical Virgo.  When the Moon moves into Pisces tomorrow morning (EDT) the Sun and Moon will begin to align in the Full Moon opposition formation and we will begin to see the necessity to balance our…

On the radio this morning (Sunday) at 11 am Eastern:  Mercury Retrograde: What is it good for?  Every planetary cycle has a purpose, and Mercury Retrograde cycles are no different.  The purpose isn’t just to create chaos and disturbance in our life!  So what do we need to know about Mercury Retrograde, and how can…

A recent article in the New York Times reports that a study which evaluated the responses of 16 young men with “high trait anger” (short fuse reactions) after exercising on a stationary bike for 30 minutes.  [T]he results of the study suggest  that “exercise, even a single bout of it, can have a robust prophylactic effect” against…

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