Astrological Musings

…I’d like to repost this video which is still one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen. This video was created after Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who wanted the phone companies to be able to charge internet providers, famously reported, “The internet is not a big truck. It’s a series of tubes.” With three…

Upset about the wildfires in Russia?  Nervous about the struggling economy?  Sad over the tragedies occurring around the world? Cheer up!  You can change your mood withastrology makeup, “the gift of beauty from the stars.”  This website offers makeup to coordinate with your Sun Sign. The vendors of this product evidently haven’t gotten the memo:…

The New Moon occurs in Leo on August 9th at 11:08 pm (Eastern time).  The lunation itself (the Sun/Moon conjunction) makes no aspects to any other planet, which suggests that the power of self-expression can act forcefully, unencumbered by any other influence. This is a wonderful time to start a new creative venture, or a…

Gothic author Anne Rice announced last week that she was once again renouncing the Christianity of her youth.  Rice was raised as a Catholic but later described herself as an atheist.  During her early literary career she wrote darkly erotic novels under the name Anne Roquelaure before turning her love of New Orleans into a…

?In this show we will focus on relationships and will be fully devoted to your calls. Normally we don’t have time in the call-in section to discuss relationships in depth, so in this show you’ll be invited to call in with questions now only about your own chart, but about your loved one’s chart as…

The Gilchrist Mandala As I’ve been writing and discussing on theradio show, this is the week that the second wave of the Cardinal Drama peaks (the Cardinal signs are the signs of action and initiation: Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn).  Saturn is now in Libra along with Mars opposite Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, Pluto is in Capricorn.…

Yesterday’s ruling by a federal district judge overturning Proposition 8 occurred in the midst of a big planetary lineup involving Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.  Proposition 8 (the California Marriage Protection Act) restricted the state’s definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples and invalidated all same-sex marriages that had occurred in the state prior to…

thanks to Eileen Naumann for this photo from northern Germany after the solar storm:

After a prolonged “solar minimum,”  with record long periods without sunspots, the Sun has become extremely active again.  These periods of solar maximum alternating with solar minimum are a normal part of solar activity but the last solar minimum was particularly long: 12.4 years rather than the usual 11 years.   A positive effect of…

This is great: A Chesterfield County woman claims county officials have violated her religious rights by defining her as a fortune teller rather than a spiritual counselor. U.S. District Court Judge Robert Payne did not immediately rule on the county’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit after a two-hour hearing Thursday. Patricia Moore-King claims she has…

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