Astrological Musings

For several weeks it there have been reports of reporters such as this one from Mother Jones being  prevented from fully covering the disaster in the Gulf, but it wasn’t until now, with Pluto locked in a nearly exact square to Jupiter, that this oppression (Pluto) of the media (Jupiter) has hit the mainstream news. From yesterday’s New…

Path of the July 11 eclipse Bad news sells, and this is true for astrology websites as well as any other news media.  Eclipses are not so mysterious today, but “astrologic dangers [are] portended” on many sites,including this one: Next week, on July 11th, we have a total Solar eclipse coming up. The New Moon…

Michael Erlewine, owner of the Matrix astrology software company and the new website Astrology Land, posted a wonderful note on his Facebook page about the upcoming eclipse.  If you are on Facebook you can see the note here, otherwise here are the highlights” Eclipses are powerful. In the astrological literature of not only the West, but also that of India,…

Here is an interesting article about an experiment performed in 1948 by Bertram R. Forer who collected statements from sun sign columns and then presented them to his subjects as though they were personally assessed as part of a personality profile.  Note: “horoscopes” are not sun sign forecasts, the horoscope is the actual map of the…

When I was in Woodstock a couple of years ago, I saw a vaguely familiar face walk in the door of a shop.  It took me a few moments to realize that it was Kelsey Grammer.  He was friendly and open, with a big smile.  He has a bit of a “Charlie Brown” look –…

Uranus, the planet of innovation, change, social justice and radical new actions dipped its toes into Aries just long enough (at the zero degree point) to stir the pot of restlessness and dissatisfaction and now it is making a U-turn and heading back towards Pisces. The zero degree point of Aries is the very beginning…

To listen live, click on the player below.  Once the show is over, this link will bring up the archived version.  For more information on the show, visit my website!   Listen to internet radio with Astrological Musings on Blog Talk Radio

On the evening of July 8, observers from Earth will be able to watch as an asteroid occults a star, blocking its light for several minutes.  An occultation is a bit like an eclipse since the object that is hidden becomes invisible for a period of time.  Read more here. In this case the asteroid…

I wondered for a long time why I was bothering with Twitter, but when I actually started using it I began discovering a plethora of fascinating sites and writers. One of these is Samuel F Reynolds, an astrologer from Brooklyn whose interesting blog can be found here. Astrologers of color are not widely represented on…

Here’s my introduction to get you started – you can read the article in its entirety on my website here.  For daily updates on astrological activity, visit me on Facebook and Twitter! The beginning of July finds us at a crossroads after a powerful month of planetary alignments in June. This is the time astrologers have been anticipating for…

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