Astrological Musings

I’m out of town this weekend, but I was planning to do the show from the hotel.  However, my plans have gone awry so I am postponing the show until Monday evening, June 21, at 8 pm EDT.   In this show I’ll be discussing the gobal implications of the chart for the Summer Solstice…

Art by Alex Grey Much has been written about the positive aspects of the combination of Jupiter and Uranus in the chart, and there is no doubt that when these planets come together it is a rockin’ opportunity to open doorways, both in our life and in our own being, that have been stuck closed.…

The coach of the French soccer team, Raymond Domenech, fancies himself an astrologer and has decided to avoid Scorpios when picking his team. When Domenech took over from Jacques Santini in 2004 it looked to have ended the international career of Robert Pires. It was then reported, before the World Cup in Germany, that Domenech…

I love this from Dharmaruci: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” OK, we all know the quote that isn’t by Goethe*. But the astrology for it right now is quite extraordinary: a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction at the beginning of Aries. You won’t see the like…

Perhaps it’s purely coincidence that there have been three big lightning strikes over the past few days as Jupiter and Uranus conjoin at zero degrees Aries, the most fiery of fire signs.   It began last week when a man’s fiancee was struck by lightning as he was proposing to her in the mountains of…

President Obama will address the nation tonight in a speech about the oil disaster in the Gulf Coast.  We can argue all day, and probably will, over whether Obama has done enough to stem the tide of this horrific event, but in a politically divided world such as the one we are currently in his…

As I predicted would happen when Jupiter (confidence and optimism) combined with Uranus (sudden changes and abrupt shifts), financial markets suddenly decided that things aren’t so bad in Europe after all and global markets are soaring today. This sudden (Uranus) optimism (Jupiter) has nothing to do with reality and is all perception.  Perception drives the markets…

Recent solar flare Solar scientists met last week to discuss the higher levels of solar activity that are likely as we move out of the Solar Minimum of the past few years.  The head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division says “our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms.” Spaceweather reports an M2-class flare on June 12th that hurled…

Yesterday’s Gemini New Moon offers an opportunity to talk about the mind and the realm of communication that is associated with Gemini.  We’ll be talking about what the birthchart reveals about how our own mind works, and the general overall purpose of the mind in our ordinary and spiritual life.  ‘ll be taking calls on…

For the next few weeks with Mercury in its own sign of Gemini the mental realm is activated, helping ideas to flow smoothly and aiding our ability to adapt to new circumstances. This process is facilitated by the Gemini New Moon on June 12th. The New Moon phase offers an opportunity for a new beginning,…

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