Astrological Musings

image from Daily Galaxy For some time know I have suspected that the growing incidence of autism spectrum disorders is evidence that the human species is mutating in preparation for the Aquarian Age.  Aquarius is the sign of innovation and radical departure from the known and the ordinary, and it also represents the realm of…

This post may be somewhat advanced for some readers, for which I apologize in advance. Image of Rahu and Ketu from Exotic India Art I had an email from a client the other day lamenting the difficulty in working her north node.   The nodes of the Moon mark the passage of the Moon across…

The retirement of Helen Thomas, the veteran doyenne of the White House press room, was announced by her employer the Hearst corporation after remarks she made at a White House event.  Thomas, of Lebanese descent, told a rabbi at this event that Jews should “get the hell out of Israel and go back to Germany…

With all of this fiery energy of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, we can use a nice grounding influence to help stabilize things and make it easier for us to keep our feet in the grounds.  Enter Mars in Virgo!  Mars moved into Virgo in the wee hours of the (EDT) morning,…

Astrologers everywhere have noted with glee that as Jupiter approached its exact conjunction to Uranus, Jupiter was struck by a bit of cosmic debris or an asteroid.  Uranus relates to surprising or shocking events, potentially resulting in a dramatic change. The event occurred on June 3, 2010, at 20:31 GMT and produced a large fireball that was…

I was unable to write the June Skywatch article before I left for my trip, but if you were on my mailing list you would have received a summation of the first week’s planetary events to tide you over.  The newsletter also includes a translation of the month’s planetary events into English which is simpler…

Jupiter enters Aries tomorrow (Eastern time) and aligns with Uranus and the Moon is present as well.  We’ll be talking about Jupiter in Aries what what it is likely to bring over the next year or so, especially since it will be part of the Cardinal Drama.   As always, you’ll have a chance to…

I’m back, and what a wonderful vacation!  But there is so much to write about… I wrote about this oil spill a few months ago in connection with the conjunction of Pluto to Ceres that was occurring at the time.  But it’s now clear that this eruption is a major ecological disaster that could have horrific…

The shooter Derrick (left), twin David (right) This mass murder occurred while we were still in England and it was very much in the news. This kind of murder spree almost never occurs there and was quite shocking. The shooter, Derrick Bird, first shot his twin brother and the family lawyer, and then went on…

I return from my trip today! Diane Lang, the Libra seeking balance (from the blog of the same name) writes: On June 10, 2010 in Washington State where I live, a much tougher law regarding cell phone use when driving goes into effect and I see it as an excellent example of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction…

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