Astrological Musings

While I’m out of town I’ve selected some interesting articles to repost. Thank you Astrology News for posting this link from Oculus Divinorum with this link to an article by astrologer Victoria Bazeleythat mirrors my feelings on this issue EXACTLY!! I have a pet peeve, and like most pet peeves perhaps, it’s a bit hypocritical. My pet peeve is people…

Molly at About Astrology has posted some interesting links on the 2012 connection to native American wisdom.  Molly writes: I recently moved to the edge of a forest, and it’s made it possible to have more direct experiences of both nature and the cosmos. I get the sense of coming home to things I knew as little…

Because I will be out of town the first week of June, the monthly Skywatcharticle will be delayed until I return.  There’s still time to sign up for your own free subscription!  You can sign up in the sidebar here, or on my website. Ceres is very important the first week of June.  It is squared Uranus…

This has been an amazing trip so far!! Today Dharmaruci and Vajramala hosted Rich and I and our friends Dianne and David for a delicious lunch on their courtyard. It was lots of fun meeting DR after corresponding for about five years. Many of you will recognize Dharmaruci from his Astrotabletalk blog (linked in the…

While I am out of town I’ve selected some older articles to repost for you. I was a student during the Vietnam war, and in demonstrations and marches against the war we decried the philosophy of our government that killing for peace made sense. On September 11 we were attacked by Osama bin Laden, and…

Art by Gayle Pritchard While I am out of town I have selected some interesting articles to repost.  Nearly all of us hear voices of one kind or another. My mother hears the voice of her mother criticizing her in her head. Someone I know well hears music in his head – full orchestras. When…

Dharmaruci has a good article about Saturn’s role in Western society.  DR and I have known each other for about four years – we follow each other’s blog and at one point cross-posted for each other.  On Sunday we’ll be having lunch together in Glastonbury!  Life is an adventure. Saturn sits on my Sun in…

The power of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 27 contains the movement of the planet Uranus into Aries.  Uranus changes signs every seven years or so, and it will dip its metaphorical toe into Aries and remain at zero degrees of that sign until mid-August when it will retrograde back into Pisces until…

Kathryn Cassidy is one of my favorite astrobloggers. Her blog, Collaborate with Fate (linked in the sidebar) is a consistently interesting trove of hidden symbols and astrological insights. Over the years she and I have shared our interests in many things from astrological details to conspiracy mysteries. So it was fun to meet her on…

I’m in London! What a gorgeous city. Today I made a pilgrimage to this astrology shop but since I have an unopened box of books from here I only bought three. 🙂

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