Astrological Musings

Sailor Moon by K Bose Tomorrow’s Full Moon is in Sagittarius, straddling the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity of learning and knowledge.  When the Moon is full, it is actually in direct opposition to the Sun which will be in Gemini and we see the Sun’s light totally reflected by the Moon without any earthly interference. Zodiacal polarities…

Astrologer D.K. Brainard has a beautiful post about the oil spill in the Gulf, the extent of which is still unknown but appears to be spreading at alarming rates.  D.K. writes: In her 1980 book The Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson noted that a funny thing happened on the way to the revolution of the 1960s. Frustrated by the…

I’m leaving today for a long anticipated trip to England!  We’ll be in London and then traveling through the magical area of Glastonbury and then Cornwall. I’ll be meeting my longtime astro friends Kathryn Cassidy and Dharmaruci, which is very exciting!  I’ve pre-posted some new articles and some reposts for you to read while I’m…

Yesterday I wrote about the transition into a new 200-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle into the air element as the harbinger of new ideas and ways of thinking about our world.  Evidently cosmologists agree, and back in 2003 in a brand-new conference on the Future of Cosmology they declared that we are in a “golden age” of cosmological discovery.…

Jupiter opposes Saturn on May 23, bringing its expansive qualities to the already tumultuous divisions between Saturn and Uranus, a larger planetary cycle that has been in operation since the fall of 2008.   Jupiter and Saturn are oppositional forces.  Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts.  Jupiter is optimistic, Saturn is pessimistic (although it prefers to think…

Image from the BBC Jupiter and Uranus are preparing to conjoin in the sky, and the combination of Jupiter’s expansion with Uranian innovation has often been associated with technological and scientific advancement.  Uranus is the planet that inspires “Eureka” moments where we conceive of things that were previously inconceivable. Scientists in Maryland led by Dr.…

All over the United States an anti-Washington fervor is throwing incumbents out of Congress in favor of unknown candidates with no ties to party machinery. Barack Obama won the presidency in November of 2008, the day of the first opposition between Saturn and Uranus.  Saturn represents conventional thinking and structures; Uranus represents the breaking apart…

I found this article through the Red Ice Creations website, and it brought up an interesting point for me.  As with photography and art, light and shadow can define an object, area, or even a planet. Placing yourself in a specific location can cause an object to appear different, thus your perspective of an object that’s…

(Please refrain from making scatalogical jokes!)  Well folks, we’re getting down to it – the planetary drama that has  been much discussed over the past few years is finally upon us.  Our challenge is to be alert and aware of the impending explosion into consciousness of  a new awareness and experience, without devolving into fear…

by Lynn Hayes Elena Kagan has been widely acclaimed after President Obama announced her as his choice to be the next Supreme Court justice, garnering support from conservative lawyers and policymakers.  One of the qualities that has gained her widespread affection and respect is her ability to entertain arguments across the political spectrum.  She is…

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