Astrological Musings

I will love the sunfor it warms my bonesYet I will love the rainfor it cleanses my spiritI will love the lightfor it shows me the wayYet I will love the darknessfor it shows me the stars –Og Mandino photography and poetry selection by Tony Howell

Sarah Silverman, the outrageous but adorable comic star of Comedy Central’s “The Sarah Silverman Program,” has been canned from that network.  The Guardian calls Silverman “the most taboo-breaking comedian working in America today.” The cancellation comes on the heels of a fiasco on the TED internet network in which she did a comedy piece on adopting a…

Yesterday this blog reached a landmark:  two million page views since 2005.  I want to thank all of my readers, especially the ones who have stuck with me year after year, through interesting times and not-so-interesting times, for the inspiration to keep coming up with articles that are worth reading. While I’m thanking people, I…

Uranus brings surprising events, and as Jupiter is nearing a conjunction to Uranus we see this news: Jupiter has lost one of its prominent stripes, leaving its southern half looking unusually blank. Scientists are not sure what triggered the disappearance of the band. Jupiter’s appearance is usually dominated by two dark bands in its atmosphere…

But if it were, I would advise against getting caught up in the current euphoria on Wall Street.  After last year’s 1000 point tumble, stocks were way up yesterday in a big tech rally, and gold hit a new record.  Relief over the bailout plans in Europe and austerity measures in Greece and Portugal stimulated…

“Earth Goddess” by Dee Cooper Swift. The New Moon in Taurus on the 13th is a very dynamic one despite the natural placidity of the Taurean energy. At the New Moon the solar principle of conscious mind and will is fused with the lunar principle of instinct and emotion, making New Moons the perfect time to…

Last week’s Wall Street roller coaster ride occurred under Mercury retrograde, but I didn’t realize that the crash in October 1987 also occurred under a cloud of technological suspicion.  Like the May 6 event, there were no major news events that could have stimulated the crash, and it seemed to come from nowhere.  Like the May…

An article in Wired online magazine entitled “Facebook’s Gone Rogue” embodies the mystical fog (Pisces) of between the wired and the “real” world of information (Uranus)  that we have seen accelerate since Uranus entered Pisces in 2003. Uranus is the planet that takes a radical departure from the conventional, but it also rules the higher mind…

Marty Rathbun was Inspector General of the Religious Technology Center of the Church of Scientology from 1978 until 2004 when he left the church.  Since then he has been a vocal critic of Scientology and offers the services he was trained for to “independent Scientologists” outside of the Church umbrella. In a classic Mercury retrograde…

Mercury has slowed down to a crawl as it prepares to change direction tomorrow, so don’t be surprised if business matters or travel plans are stalled today.  It will take Mercury a few days to begin traveling at a normal speed (this is called the “shadow” period of the retrograde phase) but after Tuesday  the…

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