Astrological Musings

When Mercury is retrograde, I spend much of my time assuring clients that not everything will fall apart during these periods.  If problems do occur, though, it sure does make it easier to know that Mercury is retrograde and that these things are to be expected. Mercury has only been retrograde for a few days,…

It’s not surprising that consumers breathed a collective sigh of relief in April as Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation, retrograded out of reach of the challenging square to Pluto that has been evoking intense feelings of despair since it began last fall.  In addition we’ve seen Jupiter, planet of expansion and confidence, in the…

The Scorpio Full Moon on April 28th features a number of powerful aspects and this lunar event is likely to carry a fair amount of intensity with it.  Scorpio is the sign of intensity and passion – under the Scorpio influence we reach deep into the underworld of emotions to where our feelings are raw…

…but this is taking it a little too far. woman was sentenced to death Friday for murdering a fortuneteller and her college-age daughter after the soothsayer told her to get over a lost lover.Tanya Nelson, 45, of Roanoke Rapids, N.C., was sentenced for masterminding the stabbings of fortuneteller Ha “Jade” Smith, 52, and Anita Vo, 23, in…

It could be said that a keyword phrase for Uranus is:  “Rules?  We don’t need no stinkin’ rules.”  Uranus is all about breaking the rules – fighting for independence, the right to make one’s own decisions and not be hampered by any external force.  Aries is the sign that is ruled by Mars, the god…

It sounds presumptuous, I know!  But today’s show will be an examination of various philosophies about the meaning of life, and how we can discern our own purpose from the astrological chart.   You’ll have an opportunity to call in with questions about your OWN soul purpose and I’d like to keep the subject of…

“[A]strology will be used as a effective tool for personality development of law students. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University is about to prepare astrological profile (database) of students. Why? Planet has [sic] a lot to do in making of your personality. With the help of astro scanning, we can identify position of planet of…

Photo from A deepwater oil rig off the coats of Louisiana has burned for more than a day.  Eleven workers are missing and it is thought that over a million liters of crude oil could be released from the damaged rig every day.  The oil slick that has resulted is now eight miles long.…

Thanks to Rich for this link. When scientists monitoring the Voyager Mission first discovered a hexagon on Saturn (here’s an article I wrote on the subject back in 2007), it was an astonishing event.  Now researchers in Oxford appear to have duplicated this phenomenon in the lab: The Oxford researchers made a model of Saturn’s North…

Chiron moves into the sign of Pisces today.  Chiron is an interesting planetary body whose orbit lies in the Kuiper belt.  But just as Chiron was not an ordinary Centaur even though he was half horse and half man, Chiron is not just an ordinary KBO (Kuiper Belt Object).  For more information on the planetary…

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