Astrological Musings

Tune in Sunday mornings at 11 am Eastern for Musings on Astrology on Blog Talk Radio. On today’s show we’ll be talking about the Aries New Moon.   Aries is the initiatory sign of the zodiac which is the solar cycle, and the New Moon is the initiatory phase of the lunar cycle so this is…

by Lynn Hayes Justin Bieber will appear on Saturday Night Live this weekend, assuring his place in mainstream America forever. Justin Bieber is only sixteen, but he has seemingly taken the world by storm with his popular R&B-style performances. Evidently both Usher and Justin Timberlake wanted to sign Bieber. His first album was released in…

Patricia Lantz has published a nice assortment of quotes attributed to well-known people on the subject of astrology. The quotes can be found in an interesting article on the use of astrology by a variety of presidents in the past.  (You can read my article on Ronald Reagan’s use of astrology here.) What some wise…

As I wrote a few days ago, “Pluto is associated with war of the nuclear type” so it is an interesting synchronicity of timing that just as Pluto changed direction to retrograde, President Obama of the US and President Medvedev of Russia signed a historic arms control treaty, hoping to reverse the challenging relationship between…

by Lynn Hayes Saturn is at its last degree of Libra today before retrograding back into Virgo tomorrow (Tuesday) at around 3:30 pm Eastern time. Saturn has been in Libra since last fall where it has been creating tests and challenges in the areas of partnerships and beauty, as well as our aesthetic ideals.  Virgo…

Thank you Daily Galaxy for this amazing video.  

Happy Monday Morning!  A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Mexico and California yesterday, a force equivalent to the earthquake that struck Haiti earlier this year.  This quake occurred right on schedule according to astrologer Richard Nolle who predicted an upsurge in seismic activity during the March 27-April 5 time period around the Libra Full Moon.  Richard…

This article is a repost from last year.  Tune in to Astrological Musings Radio Sunday morning at 11 am Eastern for a discussion about resurrection in personal transformation from an astrological perspective!  You can also call in with questions about your own chart.  For listening instructions and links visit my website. Art by Diane Clancy  I…

Just one date late, but we can chalk that up to April Fool’s Day. 🙂  I’ve posted the Skywatch article on my website, and you can read it here.   Here’s the introduction to give you an idea of what we’re in for in April! If you’d like to join my mailing list and receive an…

Fool card from the Dragon Tarot deck.This is a repost from 2006.  Today  we celebrate the Fool, which is particularly appropriate in light of the Aries New Moon next week. The Fool in the Tarot reminds us that we have limited perspective as we walk through our life, and that we carry with us little but trust…

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