Astrological Musings

Mercury and Venus are aligning in the sky and over the next week or so they will be beaming a beautifully bright light from the western sky, appearing as the brightest “star” visible in the heavens.  Normally Mercury moves a little more quickly than Venus but at the moment Mercury is slowing down in preparation…

art by Rainbow Carnage.  Last fall when I was in Jamaica, transiting Saturn made a square to my Mars.  Saturn is the planet that causes restriction – it brings delays, disappointments, and can cause us to feel overworked.  Mars in our chart shows where we are energized, inspired, and how we go about getting things…

by Lynn Hayes Venus rules today under the Libra Full Moon which culminates at 10:25 pm Eastern time.  When the Moon is full, the light of our emotional interior as described by the Moon is more powerful than the light of the conscious mind as represented by the Sun, and there is a culmination of…

Sorry, there will be no radio show today!  But tune in next week, I’m going to focus on the astrology of the Easter holiday and the whole idea of resurrection and springtime.  Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday!

This issue is so emotionally charged that it’s difficult to take a rational and reasoned stance in doing any kind of astrological analysis, but I think Jamie Funk has done just that in his analysis of the signing of the healthcare bill. The bill was signed into law at the moment that the Moon hit…

This whole debacle with Jesse James, and the now eleven affairs he is supposed to have had during his marriage to Sandra Bullock, has me asking this question again.  Astrology provides a window into the motivation behind people’s actions, so I took a deeper look.  Sandra Bullock’s chart is not a very emotional one.  She…

I don’t think anyone is very surprised that Jesse James has been having an affair with a stripper and porn star, but it’s still a shocking turn of events after her Oscar win seemed to signify a period of great fortune for Sandra.  And so it is – she has Saturn sitting right on her…

The US House of Representatives passed Obama’s health care bill last night, paving the way to the bill being signed into law. Under the opposition of Saturn to Uranus which began in the fall of 2008 and will conclude this summer, it has been virtually impossible to obtain any kind of compromise between two opposing…

Sunday morning at 11 am Eastern!  Tomorrow’s show, the first in a few weeks due to my bad flu which rendered me voiceless, will be a discussion of the Ceres archetype.  Ever since Ceres was reclassified with Pluto as a dwarf planet (I actually like the original name given to Pluto, Ceres and Eris:  The Plutoids), issues…

by Lynn Hayes The Sun enters Aries today, marking the Vernal Equinox – the time at which the days and nights are of equal length.  The charts for the Equinoxes and Solstices are significant in predicting the energy that will be circulating over the next few months, and these charts are often used by weather…

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