This confirms my suspicions even more.

The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that reports of a suspicious package addressed to the White House are “incorrect.”

“CLARIFICATION: At this time the Secret Service has intercepted TWO suspicious packages – one in NY and one in D.C. Reports of a third intercepted package addressed to the WH are incorrect,” the agency wrote in a post on Twitter.

Earlier in the day, CNN reported that a package apparently containing a pipe bomb that was addressed to the White House was intercepted Wednesday, citing a law enforcement official.

Initially, when the Democratic-dominated press went wild reporting on the “mysterious packages” that turned up at the residences of the Obamas, the Clintons, and George Soros, as well as at CNN, it was impossible to avoid the suspicion that this was but another elaborate hoax perpetrated by the Democrats two weeks prior to the midterm elections.

Since it is the left, as everyone who has been paying any attention knows all too well, that has returned political violence to the streets of America, and since the Republicans have been markedly successful of reminding Americans of this, it stood to reason that the Democrats, utterly devoid of any winning issue and aching to make it appear as if the violence between the left and right is symmetrical, hatched this 11th hour plot to make themselves appear as victims.

But then it was disclosed that a similar package had been sent to the White House, thus indicating that perhaps the threats were genuine after all.  Now, however, it turns out that the report about the White House is inaccurate.

Knowing as we know the left’s determination to advance its agenda “by whichever means necessary,” only the naïve, the willfully ignorant, and the liars will claim that the Democratic Party isn’t behind this.  Besides, who in the know can sincerely think that, though they haven’t been the objects of political violence in the past, it is only now, with less than two weeks to go before the election, that crazed right-wingers are besieging Democrats with threats and violence?!

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