Starbucks, among the most liberal left companies in the country, a company that spares no occasion to virtue-signal to the PC gods, is now in the midst of a national controversy.

Starbucks, so goes the charge, is “racist.”

Of all the thousands of Starbucks stores around the country, a racially-oriented incident at a single location, in South Philadelphia, has sufficed to give the entire corporation a black eye (no pun intended).

According to reports, a white female manager informed two black men within the store that unless they planned on making a purchase, they would have to leave.  They refused to do both. Consequently, the manager called the police who, in turn, made the men leave.

Had these black men been white, so goes the conventional wisdom, there would have been no issue.

Not unlike everyone else who is weighing in on this incident, I’m not privy to all of the facts of this situation.  That being said, not only do I have no reservations about drawing a conclusion.  I draw it with the utmost confidence.

And the conclusion is this:

This story is but more grist for the mill that is the Racism-Industrial-Complex (RIC)

Like the cases of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Gardner, Freddie Mack, and legions of other high-profile racially-charged media concoctions, once the dust settles and the media moves on to its next news cycle, this latest Starbucks brouhaha will be seen for what it is: grease for the vast machinery of the Racism-Industrial-Complex.

None of this is meant to be a defense of Starbucks.  The latter’s PC posturing can’t fail to engender some measure of Schadenfreude in those of us who reject the prevailing leftist orthodoxy.  Still, the truth is that the idea that Starbucks employees in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—a large, historic, largely black city—deliberately targeted two innocent, unassuming black business men just because they are black stretches credibility to the snapping point.

In other words, no way, no how did events unfold as the RIC agents among activists and within the media would have us think.


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