Jesus was no “radical.”  To this claim of mine, several thoughtful responses have been in the coming.  My friend and writer, the always perceptive Ilana Mercer, lead the charge (you can see some of this exchange here:  Jesus was indeed a “radical,” Mercer asserted.  He was also a man of “genius” and “courage” whose…

Recently, while discussing topics in the philosophy of religion during my introductory course in philosophy, a student claimed that Jesus was “a rebel.”  Although this judgment of hers is not without some truth, it is decidedly false in the sense in which I am sure she intended for it to be taken. The idea that…

On June 10, I will be 40 years old. Much has changed since 1972, both in my own life as well as in the world. Forty years ago, President Richard Nixon presided over America. We were still engaged in the Vietnam War.  The median price of a home was $27, 600.  The average car cost…

Believe it or not, some of the most impassioned and vocal champions of liberty are implicated in the crimes that have been committed against her.  Unlike those for whom government can never be large enough, these disciples of liberty are well meaning.  However, their failure to come to terms with liberty in all of its…

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