Mitt Romney is now the Republican Party’s presidential nominee.  Ok, technically he isn’t.  At 1,024 delegates, he is twenty short of the number needed in order to formally secure the nomination.  Like I said, Romney is the GOP nominee. No other candidate comes close, and even though my candidate, Ron Paul, hasn’t officially withdrawn from…

Mitt Romney is no conservative. There isn’t a question in my mind that under a President Romney, America will continue down the same road that our elected (and unelected) government office holders have been dragging her from at least the time of the last half of the nineteenth century. Yet the rate of decline under…

Readers of this column know that during the GOP primaries, I threw my support behind Ron Paul.  Paul was a flawed candidate in several respects, but he not as flawed as his competitors.  Besides, most of Paul’s disadvantages were primarily stylistic.  Those of his rivals were mostly substantive. Now, though, the primaries are over and…

The world’s largest religious tradition has had more than its share of critics over the centuries.  A not inconsiderable number of these have been men and women (but mostly men) of genius.  And the brightest and most constructive of critics have tended to be Christ’s own disciples. That popular funny man and political leftist Bill…

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