This was originally published at Intellectual Conservative on February 12, 2009.  In light of the national farce that has engulfed the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, I thought it may not be such a bad idea to reprint it here: In St. John’s gospel, the evangelist says of the wondrous deeds of his Master that…

That everyone in Americanow knows the names of Trayvon Davis and George Zimmerman is a tragic commentary on the times.  It is tragic because it is a bold-faced confirmation that the Racism Industrial Complex (RIC) is the hegemonic power of our generation.  The agents and officers of RIC include the majority of journalists and commentators…

As Americans, we have a tendency to speak of morality as if it were one and the same thing for all people at all places and at all times.  The popular notion that “everyone knows right from wrong” is a function of this propensity.  It also manifests itself by way of other popular expressions: “There…

There is much talk these days about something called “Judaeo-Christian values.”  This is the name that is invariably assigned to the morality to which America is supposed to have traditionally subscribed.  America, we are told, is a “Judaeo-Christian” nation, a nation “founded” upon “Judaeo-Christian principles” or “ideals.”  Now, it is, of course, true that there…

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