Not too long ago, I received word that someone from my old neighborhood had died prematurely.  While discussing the matter with another old acquaintance, the latter confidently asserted his belief that the deceased was now enjoying his eternal reward.  I replied: “We can hope.” The truth is, for as well-intentioned as my interlocutor undoubtedly was,…

Dean Malik has been busy fending off critics of his “Identity Politics: the denial of American Exceptionalism,” which American Thinker published a few weeks ago.  I am among those critics. I will focus on what Malik had to say about my remarks in his,“An American First, Always, and Last: a Response to Critics.” My rebuttal…

In my previous article, I wrote about George S. Schuyler, a great conservative who also happened to have been black. Since his death in 1977, he has, unfortunately, been forgotten.  It is with an eye toward rectifying this situation that I write about him. That Schuyler could lay legitimate claim to the conservative tradition is…

To the voluminous body of evidence that the television and film industries are comprised of doctrinaire leftists determined to promote their political program via these media, we can now add Ben Shapiro’s recently released Prime Time Propaganda.  This work is at once too long and too predictable, it is true.  But in spite of its…

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