Most people, failing to recognize it for the temporal and cultural-specific conceptual construct that it is, confuse the prevailing paradigm of reality, the conventional wisdom, for self-evident reality itself.  This is just the way it is and has always been. And this is because most people do not invest the time and energy, the proverbial…

Christians and other conservatives who criticize Hollywood for its hostility to theism (and, especially, Christian theism), should pay closer attention, for the entertainment industry not infrequently, even if inadvertently, subverts the very atheistic worldview that it affirms. As Michel de Montaigne remarked back in the 16th century: “Whatever hits you affects you and wakes you…

Warrior Flow Combatives, as has been shown in a variety of columns (and most recently here and here), is a genuine martial system.  Its combative principles constitute a seamless whole that at once develops the mental and physical dimensions of the human-person. Ontology: The human-person is a spiritual oneness—most certainly not some kind of disembodied…

In a previous essay, I delineated and explained some of the fundamental principles that constitute the training modality of Warrior Flow Combatives.  Here, we will delve further into this most unique of combat systems. In keeping with the identity of the human person as an indissoluble unity of body and mind, the combative principles of…

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