Legion in the martial arts community are those who spend no small measure of time in venues and on forums of various sorts debating over what, if any, is the superior art. By “superior,” it’s critical to grasp, is meant something like most conducive to winning against an opponent in a real street fight. There…

At least in principle, it is common knowledge among martial artists of all varieties that the mental dimension of martial training is no less, and possibly a considerable deal more, essential than is that of the physical dimension (though, of course, vigorous, constant physical training is indispensable). Warrior Flow Combatives, however, has a developed philosophy…

In a previous essay, I shared, or purported to share, some reflections upon online dating from the perspective of a man. Before continuing in that same vein, I should make explicit what was only implicit (though, I think, clear enough) in that piece: My perspective is that of a heterosexual man who, as such, sees…

In a previous essay, I noted the inherent deficiencies of all technique-based, real world self-defense combat systems that stress survival as the ultimate aim of a violent confrontation. A brief recap: The techniques taught not only tend to be selectively redacted from the intricate constellation of natural movements in which human bodies can and do…

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