In 2020, after nearly 20 years of marriage, my now ex-wife and I divorced.   Some months afterwards, I decided to give online dating a shot. Bear in mind, when I first got together with my ex, when we began dating, it was 1998.  So, meeting women in the virtual world has been a truly new…

Be Safe. In the COVID era, this is the refrain that one can expect to hear from those who have spent the last year paralyzed by fear over the possibility of contracting The Plague. Interestingly—even if, for reasons that I won’t bother delving into here, not at all surprising—those who are most fearful for their…

Just the slightest acquaintance with the world’s great wisdom traditions readily reveals that for all of their differences, there is overlap. Their founders and adherents emphatically agree upon some fundamental, interrelated points: (1)What appears to be real is not really real; and (2) Enlightenment consists in appreciating (1) so that one can then emancipate oneself…

The left’s going to take our speech! They are going to take our guns! They are going to rob of us of all our freedoms! So shriek a good number of the 80 million or so Americans who believe (justifiably) that their votes for Donald Trump’s reelection were stolen. Of course, conservatives and libertarians have…

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