“Crisis offers a possibility to awaken as a participant in conscious evolution.” – Barbara Marx Hubbard

“Crisis has been a part of evolution of the species since its conception,” says Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hubbard is a futurist and evolutionary thought leader who is working with people to make it through the incredible shift that she sees coming. “Crisis precedes transformation,” she says. “Problems are evolutionary drivers, on both the personal and societal level.”

Many people have arrived at a place of spiritual growth and transformation after falling ill, losing jobs or experiencing relationship break-ups. As our social institutions breakdown – from the banking and financial sectors to the way food is cultivated, processed and distributed – Hubbard invites us to look for breakthroughs in the ways we connect with each other. Hubbard, who associated with Dr. Jonas Salk and Buckminster Fuller, is leading a movement to become aware of our human potential and use it to evolve into a society that values cooperation over competition and values the contribution of each and every individual.

Her view of the world is a refreshing shift towards possibility and transformation of ourselves and of society. She encourages people to create hubs to exchange ideas and resources, and to look at grassroots level organizations that are doing well what society’s biggest institutions are not. Micro-credit lending institutions, farms and food producers who work with nature and more, media that educates and feeds the soul. “For the first time the world has a shared problem that is awakening millions of us,” she says. Her message is one of hope. The problems are bringing about unprecedented innovation and transformation. Her message is one of hope. “Humanity is being born as a universal species,” she says. The current crises that have brought us to the point where can have the capacity to extinguish ourselves as a species is also bringing us into a deeper understanding of our inherent connectedness. “We’re one,” Hubbard says. She had a vision of a planetary rebirth and at age 82 continues to work to connect people with each other.

Bio: Debra Moffitt is the award winning author of Awake in the World: 108 Practices to Live a Divinely Inspired Life and “Garden of Bliss: Cultivating the Inner Landscape for Self-Discovery” (Llewellyn Worldwide, May 2013). A visionary, dreamer and teacher, she’s devoted to nurturing the spiritual in everyday life. She leads workshops on spiritual practices, writing and creativity in the U.S. and Europe. More at http://www.awakeintheworld.com and on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/DebraMoffittAwakeintheWorld

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