If you let your soul dress you up, what would you look like? Would your soul choose different clothes and ask you to dress or style your hair differently? Sally Miller is a soul stylist, she helps people to connect with their soul-Self and make life choices from this deep place. So how’s the soul’s style different from something say that your personality might choose? Well, if you’re like many people you choose fashions and actions based on what others think, on what you think they expect and like. You may tend to adapt to expectations, compare yourself to others, react to the superficial, and make choices from this place. Sally encourages people to go deeper. 

“My intention is to teach people that they are not lost, broken or ugly, but in fact they are whole and perfect and beautiful! I want to help people not to be afraid of change.”

I asked her how beauty and personal expression are linked to spirituality.“That is like asking why is authenticity important!,” Sally says.“We are all here to be creative expressions of our souls evolution.” The fashion world and a lot of beauty products companies thrive on creating images that are not real. Then we spend a lot of time, energy and money trying to measure up to those unrealistic standards. But the soul has another way. It respects the deep Self and the uniqueness and beauty of everyone. “What a boring world this would be if we were all the same,” Sally says. “I think it is a movement of authenticity that will shift our planet and change our world. When you begin to see your own ‘Soul’s Style’ then you slowly stop comparing yourself to others, you begin to see yourself as bright light in the world. We realize we are art on to ourselves. It always blows my my mind to think that there is 8-10 Billion people on this planet and no two people share the same soul… We are all here for our own unique creative way to express the pure light inside of ourselves. We cannot begin to act ‘as one’ in this world until we have embraced the one within us and free ourselves to creatively express our beauty, our Soul’s Style of expression. We are ALL beauti-FULL!”

But getting to that place of self-acceptance may not always be easy. “It seems to me that the million dollar question right now is ‘What is my Soul’s purpose?’ But it is not all unicorns and fairies and shooting stars. Some parts of the journey are, but other parts are downright scary and seem to be a lot of work! It is painful to peel back all the layers of false self that you have either inherited from generations or have created for yourself along your life’s journey. I believe that “healing” is a return to one’s pure self. We are already what we seek. We just need to let go of all the crap, false identities, and beliefs so that the gem within can see the light of day and radiate!”

Bio: Debra Moffitt is the award winning author of Awake in the World: 108 Practices to Live a Divinely Inspired Life and “Garden of Bliss: Cultivating the Inner Landscape for Self-Discovery” (Llewellyn Worldwide, May 2013). A visionary, dreamer and teacher, she’s devoted to nurturing the spiritual in everyday life. She leads workshops on spiritual practices, writing and creativity in the U.S. and Europe. More at http://www.awakeintheworld.com and on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/DebraMoffittAwakeintheWorld

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