Awake in the World

At the “Creating the Life You Want” Workshop, Master teacher and head of Moving Ventures, Ellen Watson, led us to meet our shadow. As we faced the wall in the sanctuary at Seeking Indigo, the low light cast a shadow and that dark shadow moved and bounced as I moved and bounced. My shadow was…

Birthdays mark the time when the body, mind and spirit came into the world. Some people moan about another birthday. Others celebrate with parties. Everyday can be a birthday, a day to learn something new and grow. An aboriginal way of celebrating birthdays as reported by Marlo Morgan, Author of Mutant Message Down Under,  reveals…

The Balinese live by three principles call Tri Hita Karena. They are simple. Honor the connection between humans and God, between humans and humans and between humans and nature. Love and respect of nature are evident throughout every aspect of this colorful and beautiful expression of religion and spirituality. Their deep reverence for life, nature,…

As the days turn lighter and brighter and our vibrations quicken, we’ll soon be able to manifest things faster. There’s one caveat. Be careful what you wish for. Dreams will come true faster. So staying aligned with the highest good is essential. What’s your deepest desire? What’s your wildest dream? Maybe it’s time to put…

Inner guidance can show you the best ways to work with wealth. Back in April of 2008 I woke up with a dream where I saw an economic machine that was broken from top to bottom. I knew that hard economic times were coming and I told my husband to sell his stocks. I’d not…

Your sacred space is where you will find yourself again and again. – Joseph Campbell The sacred space at Assisi, Italy played a key role in the inspiration for the polio vaccine. Jonas Salk was at St. Francis’ birthplace when he conceived of the vaccine that has saved millions of lives. He attributed his inspiration…

“Everything happens for us. Nothing happens against us,” says Brenda Michaels, host of Conscious Talk radio. She went through a period of cancer, medical bankruptcy and divorce that propelled her into a new level of understanding. Host of the radio show that reaches 200,000 plus visitors weekly, she refused chemotherapy and began to turn inward…

Using a centering prayer or mantra to focus the mind is an ancient practice that continues to bring peace and fulfillment. It helps to uplift the mind when all around are filled with worry and fear.  Using a centering prayer or mantra is easy. Choose a word or divine name that you wish to focus…

Many of the things we count on in life as being solid and certain are actually only temporary — our bodies, our mates, our families, our jobs. This is the nature of life. So how can we live comfortably with this realization? One of my teachers repeated, “Love my uncertainty.” Uncertainty has always been very…

Are you too old to learn? If you want to maintain a youthful attitude, then holding onto a healthy curiosity about life is one way to keep a child-like, energetic and vibrant perspective. It can help us to continue to learn and grow and never become stagnant and stale. Life is a school. From day…