It’s something you do every day from the minute you get up until the moment you lay down and go to sleep…

And everywhere else in between.

Not only that but this is something that makes the difference between living a life of what seems like never ending struggle, uncertainty, and doubt…


Having greater peace of mind, greater self confidence, and being able to enjoy your life more—now and a lot more in the future.

This is also something that you’ve heard about thousands of times…

But never spoken about in the true way of how it  can work to your advantage in any area of your life.

Do you know what this is?

Be aware that knowing what this is and how you can use it all starts by first asking yourself the question…

“What is the meaning of my life?”

1. Mission not passion- Knowing the meaning of your life starts by realizing if you’re following your passion versus living your mission. And the difference between the two is night and day. In fact, it’s also the difference as to whether you live the type of live you’d love to live or not.

How so?

Most people believe that following their passion is the key to achieving the type of life they’d love to live. 

But guess what?

The actual meaning of passion is the opposite of what it was originally intended to be.

Therefore it is unwise to follow your passion.

So you’re probably thinking, “what in the world is Chaney talking about?”

Here’s the truth behind it all.

The original meaning or etymology of passion means to suffer…ungoverned out of control suffering.

Of course most people nowadays see passion as what we all have come to know it as. And this came about because somewhere along the line someone changed the definition of it.

But what hasn’t changed is this…

Following your passion is one sided.This involves seeking more pleasure than pain, more support than challenge, more success than failure, more positive than negative, etc.

This is what I like to call trying to live a “fantasy lifestyle.” This is unwise to do and is the source of most people’s suffering.

The wisest way to live your life is to be mission driven.

When you follow your mission you’ll embrace pleasure and pain, support and challenge, success and failure, positive and negative…equally.

You’ll know that no matter what situation you encounter that both sides exist equally. They exist for a purpose. And the more of one you have, the more of the other you’ll have as well. This is what I like to call living a “fulfillment driven lifestyle.”

What this leads to is living a fulfilled life rather than trying to live a happy life.

So just know that part of the meaning of your life is to be mission driven rather than passion driven.

And that the purpose of your life is not to be happy or successful, but rather to be fulfilled…

Because living a fulfilled life embraces the happy and sad, success and failure, both of which are necessary to live your mission and to do so in a healthy manner.

2. Connecting the dots- Here’s something I used to do that you’re either doing now or have done at some point in your life…and that is thinking, “what if I had done this” or “what if I had done that” my life would be different, I’d be better off.

Well guess what?

What you have done or not done in your life up to this point has served you in your life. Are you aware of that?

Are you also aware that if the things you “wished had happened” or “not happened” that you may even be worse off than you are right now?

But here’s a pearl of wisdom that adds more meaning to your life…

No matter what you’ve done or not done still has both the positive and negative attached to it. In either case those situations both served and dis-served you in some way. Therefore you’re no “better” or “worse” off.

Take a look at the different moments in your life and start “connecting the dots” as I like to say. If the very thing you wanted to go your way did go your way, the outcome may not have been what you expected.

In fact there have been many movies, even though fictional, that show this. Back to the Future, Sliding Doors, and Running Against Time are a few that come to mind.

The point here is this…

Even though you can’t go back in time physically, you can perceptually. In other words you can always have those thoughts of “my life would have been different or better if “this” had gone my way.”

But once you connect the dots and see that everything in your life up to this point has served you and your mission…

You’ll have even more evidence as to the meaning of your life.

3. Knowing me knowing you- During the course of our lives we have relationships with thousands of different people. Along with that comes the many different memories we have. And what also comes with it are the so called “good” and “bad” days.

I use “so called” because in actuality each day is “good” and “bad.” 

Think about a time when you had a “good” day. Then all of a sudden you had someone you know on that day say that their day was “horrible.”

Now look at it from the other end. Think of a time when you said you had a “bad” day. Then all of a sudden you had someone say they were having a “great” day.

In both cases each person is experiencing the “good” and “bad” of that day.

Well the same is true of memories of all the people and situations you’ve come across in your life.

Here’s something else to keep in mind…

The more you know other people, the more you get to know yourself. And the more you get to know yourself, the more you get to know other people.

This adds a tremendous amount of meaning to your life.

It gets you to see parts of yourself that you may not have been aware of. This is also why whenever you see someone as being mean and dishonest—that the only way you could see them that way is if you’ve seen yourself or others have seen you as also being mean and dishonest.

And it works the other way too.

If you believe that someone is beautiful and a genius–that the only way you could see them as being beautiful and a genius is if you’ve seen yourself or others have seen you as being beautiful and a genius in some way.


“What is the meaning of your life?”

Let’s now come back to what I mentioned earlier about something you do every day from the minute you get up until the moment you lay down and go to sleep.

And how this makes the difference between living a life of what seems like never ending struggle, uncertainty, and doubt…


Having greater peace of mind, greater self confidence, and being able to enjoy your life more—now and a lot more in the future.

In fact what this is, is contained in the word life.

You see LIFE stands for…


…and the word I’m referring to is Love.

But it’s not in the same way as you’ve heard mentioned thousands of times throughout your life…the romantic love.

Instead, love means that you’re surrounded by both sides of life 24 hours a day during your entire life.

This is why it’s with you from the minute you get up until the moment you lay down to go to sleep.

And when you become fully aware of this the meaning of your life suddenly changes and takes on a whole new meaning…

A meaning that gets you to see how spectacular and amazing of a person you are.

A meaning that gets you to realize the tremendous amount of value that you contribute to the world with your uniqueness.

And along with that being able to pass that meaning on to others so they can do the same in their lives as well.


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