It’s something I never thought would happen to me in a relationship…especially when it seemed like it would last forever. Even though it didn’t last back then it still ended up lasting after all…and most likely forever. And this is something you’ve experienced in some way in your life…possible right now as well. In my…

There is something that is very fascinating about being a human being. At first it may surprise you if you aren’t already aware of it. It’s also something that you may have heard many times and possibly not paid that much attention to. In fact, this actually plays a major part that’s involved in your…

Here’s something I come across from many people quite often that I’m sure you see and hear as well. In fact this is something we have all done at some point in positive and negative ways, and in many cases probably not even realized how much we do it. What I’m referring to is, looking…

It’s something you do every day from the minute you get up until the moment you lay down and go to sleep… And everywhere else in between. Not only that but this is something that makes the difference between living a life of what seems like never ending struggle, uncertainty, and doubt… Versus Having greater…

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