Becoming Great

I spent the last six weeks entrenched with a dynamic group of young people. As always, I end up learning more from them than I could ever teach them.  There is something magical about youth and being child-like.  Over the course of our time together we bonded as a family.  We fought with each other…

One of the greatest joys I witness as a life coach is seeing my clients come in one way and leave another way.  I’ve realized that its so important to not only ourselves, but for others that our becoming great is vital for the world.  I often tell young adults that the richest source of…

Successful people have a secret that most don’t talk about.  They understand that you must be excellent at every step of the dream journey. Not when the dream arrives, but before and during the process.  I’ve told you  before that we are legends and no one will be able to live the human experience as…

Dr. A.R. Bernard said it best, “Our words create our world”.  Our words are very powerful.  It is through words that bonds are made. It is through words that hearts have been broken. Words are energy.  Often we don’t realize that we have words that we communicate to ourselves unknowingly.  This is known as our…

There’s something inherent to almost every human being and the concept of the time table.  We’ve all been guilty of it at some point or another. We believe that we should be at a certain place or accomplished a goal by a certain age.  One of the biggest breakthrough’s for me, and I share this with…

I have a client who is really a great a person with so much to give and offer the world. However, although he has achieved success the thing he truly desires always seems to escape him.  As a result he has become self destructive in relationships.  The thing that he fails to see is that…

My tagline for everything I do is ‘Be Great’.  It originated from my mother telling me on a daily basis that I was destined for greatness.  For me greatness is the pinnacle of life. However, I want to add to that tagline and mindset  I recently was speaking to a group of young men and…

One of the biggest hurts in the human experience is when we get hurt by someone very close to us.  To add onto the pain, the person is oblivious to the infraction and/or is not interested in mending the hurt.  The gravity of the issue can render a person broken to the core.  How do…

One of the first assignments I give to my clients, no matter what their plight may be is for them to go celebrate themselves and relax and be selfish for a moment in a healthy way.  I do realize that sometimes a lot of the stress we encounter in life we bring upon ourselves because…

I had a client who was so richly blessed but he couldn’t see it because his definition of success or riches was in material things.  We’ve all heard that the best things in life are free. I think for a lot of us we know that in theory, but in our hearts secretly, we war…

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