definingmoment pic__1397012384_67.247.59.192One of the greatest joys I witness as a life coach is seeing my clients come in one way and leave another way.  I’ve realized that its so important to not only ourselves, but for others that our becoming great is vital for the world.  I often tell young adults that the richest source of untapped potential is in the graveyard.  Think about how much greatness never got to be realized for whatever reason.  I don’t want anyone whom I have the ability to be in connection with, to go through life not realizing they have a greatness that is unique to them and necessary for the world.

I implore you to be relentless and tenacious in your desire to become great. There will be so many forces and situations to prove otherwise, but you have to  be steadfast and a bit stubborn.  Let no thing, no person, no lie, no anything ever deter you from experiencing the freedom of being great.  To put simply, it’s an out of body experience.  Everyone should get the chance to experience this feeling.  However, as I stated above, many will leave this earth living an ordinary-run-of-the-meal life.  Not saying that to be condemning, but I am saying what if there’s more?

Too often in life we settle for good when really we can settle for great.  Many of my clients were doing very good.  Some extremely successful, but yet were not anywhere near the vicinity of greatness.  When you realize that you’re only scratching the surface of what could possibly be, it’s an eye-opening moment.  You and I were not made by accident.  This is the truth.  We were thoughts in the mind of God and he saw fit for you and I to exist.  Think of those babies who never left the hospital.  You and I did.  Dare to be brave. Dare to be great.

Remember we have the ability to not only change our world, but the world as a whole….BE GREAT!!

Until Next Time,


Pervis Taylor, III is an Author, Life Coach, Speaker and Contributor. His books Pervis Principles Volume 1 and 2 are available exclusively on his website: He is the creator of the inspiration/life coaching mobile app, I-Inspire, available for IPhones, Ipad and Ipod Touch via: He resides in New York City. Follow him on Twitter @pervistaylor or Facebook


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