origami teapotWhen’s the last time you gave yourself a present? Not something you ‘need,’ or even something you lust for (like a new pair of shoes, or a fountain pen, or…). Just a small treat. Not even edible, necesarily. 🙂

This holiday, we bought my nephew a tea he likes, courtesy of his sister’s suggestion. I bought an ounce for myself, just to try it. I figure if Donald likes it, I might too.

Today I fired up the kettle and made a mug. Poured in some milk, added a lump of Demerara, and voilà! White ayurvedic chai!

This isn’t something I normally would ever have bought for myself. I’m beginning to be one of ‘those people’: you know, the ones who only buy from folks they usually buy from? So I probably wouldn’t even have gone in to this pricey tea store. I just don’t go to the mall that often. mug of tea

But because of Donald, and his present, I received a small present too! And that’s my point: so much of what we do really does come back to us. Not necessarily in big ways: nothing earth-shaking is going to come of our buying tea for Donald. Just this moment, full of tea and thoughts of family, as snow sloooowly melts off the grass outside the window.

This moment…it’s enough.

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