We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.    ~ Pierre Tielhard de Chardin Sometimes I wonder if all of the religious differences in the world are not summed up in this quote. Certainly most of the schisms in Western religion are. And perhaps the reason I…

I saw a post on Facebook that said we all will have computer chips inserted under our skin if Obama isre-elected. Riiiiight….Right up there with the allegedly secret Muslim wedding ring he wears, and the death panels, and the liberal belief that Goldman Sachs intentionally created the bank debacle. Not to mention Obama gives cell…

I am as tired of this election as anything in a long time. My heart is battered, bruised, held  together some days with tape and string. Even my ears hurt… What happened to truth? And to the civil discourse that accompanies its pursuit? My training is in research as well as writing, so when I…

Sometimes when you’re stressed, what you need to do is two simple (and at least partly practical) things: light a stick of good incense, and clean out a drawer. Seriously, it’s that simple. I don’t remember where I heard the term ‘listening to incense,’ but it’s stayed with me. Because that’s what I do: my…

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