Mother’s Day, which falls this Sunday, is technically a secular holiday, but a range of denominations incorporate it into their worship services each year. Check out Beliefnet’s Mother’s Day 2010 page for inspirational quotes, prayers and other links for the occasion.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but on a related note, two studies have come out recently that indicate America’s moms aren’t quite as happy as their counterparts in other westernized nations:
- Save the Children’s 11th annual Mother’s Index now ranks the U.S. as the 28th best place in the world to be a mother (down from 27 last year, due to our relatively high childbirth mortality rates), a finding that concerns the folks at National Catholic Reporter, among others.
- New Pew research reports that the rate of unwed motherhood is up in the United States, a finding that disturbs Beliefnet’s Rod Dreher, among others.
On the other hand, even more reason to thank our moms and make this a special day, right?
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