Football quarterback Tim Tebow, best known to the masses as the evangelical guy who wrote Bible verses in his eye-black as a college star last year (and had a pro-life ad air during last year’s Super Bowl), has been making the rounds to promote his autobiography, “Through My Eyes.”

He’s only 23! Then again, the missionary kid-turned-Denver Bronco’s life has been pretty interesting so far — certainly more interesting than most of the people who get their own reality TV shows these days.

From the USA Today article:

It’s the memoir of a no-drugs, no-drinks, no-arrests player whose idea of swearing is “Holy sweet cheese-and-crackers!” Even so, there are some smudges on Tebow’s Jockey-endorsed T-shirt.

He admits to crying so often he could compete with weepy House Speaker John Boehner in a Kleenex Bowl. During his college years, a Facebook page called “I saw Tim Tebow Cry and Loved it” had 23,000 fans.

He laughs off the anti-Tebow legions.   “If those people got to know who I really am as a person, we’d getalong. Holier than thou? That’s not me. I’m a real person. I fail and then I try to keep improving and enjoying life,” Tebow said in an interview with USA TODAY.

And here’s the clip of his appearance on last night’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart (where the host has struggled all week with how to cover his friend Rep. Anthony Weiner’s crotch-shot Twitter “scandal” — the results of that are also worth checking out, though I don’t consider this a faith-related story).

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