Religion & Ethics Newsweekly aired an interesting piece this weekend about whether faith-based groups that accept government funding may continue only hiring members of their own faith. (Remember, the ongoing controversy here is that these groups are supported by taxpayer money, in contrast to completely private organizations.)
It’s a heated debate. Most people seem to agree that such groups may not use public funds to try to convert the people they’re helping, but the employment question remains touchy. President Obama seems to have switched from opposing such hiring discrimination, to viewing it on a “case by case basis,” and the practice has been upheld by the courts, for now.
One problem I had with Kim Lawton’s reporting: she let World Vision off way too easy. This major Christian global aid organization, which is in my neck of the woods, “received more than $300 million in cash and goods from the federal government” last year; its leaders maintain the right to “consider religion in its hiring.” That’s a pretty mild way of putting what you find on their job descriptions, which includes “attend and participate in daily devotions and weekly Chapel services,” even for positions like “website support team supervisor.” That’s even above and beyond just signing off on their Statement of Faith and Apostle’s Creed, which you would assume means the folks they hire already attend church regularly and pray at home. How many highly-qualified altruistic people are turned off or away by these requirements, and how much time are required prayer sessions taking from multi-million dollar government-funded efforts to help the world’s (non-Christian) needy?
Another unexplored angle: Where do fiscal conservatives stand on funding these socially conservative groups, during this economic downturn? Or is it just about making sure government money doesn’t go to Planned Parenthood, no-copay birth control pills, etc.?
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